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Modifing my Golf mk1 1.3


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Hi guys i have a Golf MK1 83'  standard 1.3 i want to make some modifications (''upgrades'') but i need your help.
Can you give me some guide for :
1. Bike carbs: what bike carbs are the best for 1.3 what shoud i change or what shoud i mod on the car ?
2. Power steering: what power pump/steering shoud i you what chages/mods shoud i do?
3. AC: can i add AC on Golf MK1 and how to?
4. Power windows: what power window mechanism shoud i use?
5. Can all this work together?
If there is a topic about this with full steps explained or a video feel free to shere with me either here or in privet topics.
I am going to use the car only for street drive not racing



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All of the above is possible and god loves a tryer but I'm thinking a 40 year old MK1s prob not the ideal car to start with if you require PAS,A/C,Elecy Windows and DIY induction system.

Get a modern with all those as standard as a daily driver and run the MK1 as intended as 2nd car?

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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Electric windows, or Manually adjustable ones, that never break (when Maintained) or add-on ones that look Bizzarre.  the 90's Electrics were/are bad enough what with the location of the window control module and it's ability to get Rained on due to poor maintenance on the part of the owner..(plugged Rain Drains in the Scuttle)…

Power Steering is nice, and they make rather nice unobtrusive electric assisted ones nowadays that doesn't take HP from the engine… Not needed as you can build up and Keep your Arm Muscle tone with Plain Jane and well Plain Jane don't usually break.

Adding a/c to a 1.3 is like taking 1/2 the engine power and tossing it in the Loo.

Bike Carbs?  When I was riding Bikes they were manual powered and didn't have Carbs and were 1 Man powered.  

Motorcycle Carbs is another can of worms, and that is if you aren't used to them and keeping them in tune with a Unisyn gauge, then that too can be an exercise in Maintenance.  A poor installation can be Deadly, and Cause a variety of iffy running scenarios.

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

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1. I can't see what bike carbs will do better, over a properly adjusted standard carb. So, none can be recommended

2. Not sure. Never really worried about it myself but I know there's electric kits nowadays, Corsa B????

3. Never really needed or explored it (cabby) but the best bet would be to try get all the bits from a US car which had AC. They only had big blocks in the US though……..never ever heard of it fitted to a 1.3. I'm going to guess they're R12, and probably best to convert to R134a at the same time. You'd need to know the fill spec for a garage to charge it, once fitted.

4. There's various aftermarket kits, some are terrible quality and some are okay. Try to find the ones which entirely replace the mechanism, not just drive the winder handle's spindle. I had one but took it out and reverted to standard.

No reason not to have all work together, obviously if you had some kind of hydraulic power steering and air con, then the pulleys and belt would need to match etc. Certainly, later Golfs had both.



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Ok thank you guys for the advises
Early-1800  Golf is project car i have Citroen Xsara 1.9D 04'
Briano1234 i totaly forgot thah the A/C thaks power from the engine thank you and i am going to remov it from the list and the power window will stay optional
2.power steering kit i have to make it or i can buy it all (like just bolt on) or i shoud take it from Corsa B


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GogoMK1 said

2.power steering kit i have to make it or i can buy it all (like just bolt on) or i shoud take it from Corsa B

This has come up before - many times. I have no idea (unless I did a search and read others' posts), so I'll let the others give the relevant details or links to previous threads.

I have never had issues with heavy steering except at parking speeds, and for that its not worth it IMHO. Maybe your car has some other fault?



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1, Bike carbs, can be added without to much issue although as Paul has stated tuning and maintenance is a must. I have twin 40's on a 1300 and it does make a difference over standard. It now runs out of speedo and pulls to the red line in top gear! Bike carbs can be used but do alot of research. Any bike carbs from a 'larger' bike (above 600cc) can be used. It's all about the jetting and the set up.
My 1400 16v went in with bike carbs on to the tuners and had 68bhp on standard needles and timing. When he'd done with it, it had 148bhp.

2, As the other say it is possible, but if you get the tracking set up properly it should be fine as you don't have a half ton of pig iron under the bonnet like the big blocks  :lol:  :lol:   :thumbs:  :thumbs:

3, A/c we're not american so a complete nightmare

4, Power windows. I did this using a kit to change manual windows to electric.
In my experience I wouldn't do it again, nor could I recommend it in good conscious. I am considering trying cabby electric windows at some point as I'd imagine the front doors of a cabby and 3 door will be similar………

Can't beat a small block in my opinion  :thumbs:  :thumbs:


Cornish Host.
1980 VW Derby
Clive the Cabby
Ujum the Invisible
Mynx the  Tintop


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borednow said

I'd imagine the front doors of a cabby and 3 door will be similar………

They're not.



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You could also run dual Weber 40 DCOEs instead of bike carbs, but you'll need to get an intake manifold. The manifolds go from about 270 euro and up but they can still be found. (I have 2 sets of Weber 40s lying around, with all the bits to tune them. Initial new price investment can be high though.)

I would never put power steering on these cars, it's to light to need it and I don't believe the benefit is worth the work or cost…

Same with power windows and AC, I'd pass.

I would recommend a 5 speed gearbox, you'll need a mount, the rest is pretty much bolting it in.

See my videos, Tom AFH


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borednow said

3, A/c we're not american so a complete nightmare

Can't beat a small block in my opinion  :thumbs:  :thumbs:


Well here in "Merica" where it can get 150 on the asphalt, if you are stuck in rush hour traffic a/c comes in handy…. Driving topless in that is a sweltering thing. I can remember 2 times being stuck in a traffic jam on a hot day with no a/c…..

But I have had to have the top up on really sunny days on the interstate, and no a/c wouldn't of been fun…Takes me back to the days of my youth, when I ran MG's and had to do the 275 thing to stay cool 2 windows down and run 75 down the road to stay cool.

In a 4 door it is 475.. :)

To be honest, where I live in the south I was helping global warming by driving topless with the a/c on. :)

Small Block to me is 215 cu inch V8, ala rovers…

But then again I have had 948CC Austin Frog-Eye, and 1048cc MG's…

What do Divorces, Great Coffee, and Car Electrics all have in common?

They all start with GOOD Grounds.

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