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A pillar trim 82 GTI Cab


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B9F3B326-482F-4F43-B827-EB5AAB3E1053.png Has anybody got an o/s front A pillar trim like the one above going spare as I can’t find one anywhere new via the classic parts websites?

Ideally in great condition as my n/s version is new which came on the car when bought


Last edit: by MK1G60R1


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You can get them from a German outfit called Werk34 for about twenty quid plus a tenner postage but they are an absolute pig to fit which a few of us in the Newbies section have just found out. If you want to try it you have to raise the roof, open the door and slide it down from the top. It comes too long so you have to trim the bottom end so you need to be a dab hand with the tin snips which I ain't.
There are too many online users to list.