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Alternator Voltage regulator upgrade


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I had to buy a new regulator for the alternator, as the bushes were extremely worn due to a failed bearing. While there I upgraded the voltage regulator with a 1N4007 diode on the ground side.
that kicks the alternator up by .5v
Since the VW alternator is inheritable weak, if you have not the perfect grounding and wiring, then your battery will not charge properly.
I did this on both of my VW cabrio and the voltage went from 13.5v to 14v
I tried to find another thread online where this was described, but I couldn't

reg1.jpg reg3.jpg
Just make sure when you do this, to
a) put the Diode in the proper way. (diodes are a one way valve and won't work in the wrong direction)
b) cut the ground wire after soldering in the Diode. Or cut the ground before but make sure the path goes through the diode and not bypassing it.


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I think that was mentioned in the VWBoretex by Molinjar or Black Cabby years ago….

Re-volting idea for regulators. | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum

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Good Work Allmacs :thumbs: Every little bit helps
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