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Cabrio top gas struts- why do they break?


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Got me some broken struts

So before I go and put new ones in I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for keeping them from breaking?

 You know, whatever caused the original ones to break will likely do the same to any new ones I fit unless I sort it out first.

Any ideas?  

Thanks  Dave


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why do you think they will break again ??
they may have just been warn out or did they snap?


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theCrowe said

So before I go and put new ones in I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice for keeping them from breaking?

 You know, whatever caused the original ones to break will likely do the same to any new ones I fit unless I sort it out first.

Any ideas?  

Thanks  Dave

Seals dry out, folks don't oil pivot points on the top, and well they wear out.

Brackets can bend the mounts and that will cause the strut rods bend…..

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Yes, they both snapped at the bottom joint. And it feels like I can't compress them at all. But then again there is a lot of force in those things so I'm not sure if id be able to compress them anyway. 

Just wondering if they broke because they were jammed open or if the frame bent them out of shape. Or if the frame is now damaged by the jammed open struts bending it til they broke. 

Just wondered is this a common thing and what normally happens? 


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you have to use a screw driver through the holes and press firmly against a brick to move them,,,, they are rated at 150 psi….

They can cause frame issues…. but if using a mate to assist you in opening and closing the hood the frame comes down against the a pillar seal evenly no damage was done.

If you oil all the pivots of the frame and the rear window pivots at the bottom, it will ease your opening and closing…. a rusty pivot can really make it ruff.

lubing the frame.
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main thing is check all the hinges move freely and are not bent. on my cabrio most of the joints seized and lower 2 brackets all out of shape. lots of penetrating oil and wiggling, and a bit of love in a vice sorted it all out.

then its just a case of keep up a regular check/lube shedule to make sure all is well. and if at any time the hood feels stiffer than usual to fold down dont force it, check first ;)

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One word, if it don't fold easily, DON'T FORCE IT.  It is harder than hades to straighten a bent frame.

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Thanks guys. I'll get some oil round those joints and keep her sweet. I dont think the frame is bent at all. It moves smoothly enough. Just heavy to lift without struts.

Any advice on where to get better struts or are VW's not so tough ones the only option in the UK? 


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mcmasters out of  the USA has them in many different poundages.  

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