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Hi I've just got hold of a 34 TLP to fit to my 82 1500 gl and could do with some fitting instructions, mainly where/how to attach the pipe work. Any help gladly received.

Cheers Marc.


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Hi and welcome :-)
Never run a carbed Golf, but I am sure others will be along to help




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Thanks for the hospitality Ade, I'm sure I'd figure it out eventually but I'd just like the the opinion of someone who's already done it or knows for sure, I'd run it without the coolant pipes but I fitted a 32/34 dmtl to my sons mk2 and it gets iced up pretty badly so I'd like to avoid that if poss.


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with the coolant pipes you just bridge whatever hoses that used to go to the carb together so coolant can still flow, keep coolant thru the inlet to help with icing. is this carb similar to the weber you fitted to your sons mk2? I have the proper instructions for those in my sig.

as for the icing up issue, 9 times out of 10 its the warm air feed at fault, make sure the flap inside the airbox actually opens when the car is runnign and the warm air pipe and shroud on the exhaust manifold is all there and hooked up properly.  You should also swap the carb heater from the 2e2 over to the weber, but im not sure how much of a difference that makes

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Ok cheers John I'll give it a go tomorrow and see how I get on.


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