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The 'simple engine swap' out of control project (pic heavy)


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The 'simple engine swap' out of control project (pic heavy)


Yea that bit is for the speaker, i've mounted a 5.25" to the door itself, cut out a hole in the new door card before covering it, then 'perforated' the vinyl so there was no need for some jazzy modern speaker grille on show or a pretty naff looking bare speaker!

So hopefully, theres nothing for my winder handle to foul  :dontknow:



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you, sir, are a mad man!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

all that on the drive way, learning as you go - respect!!! looks great so far!
you make me feel guilty for wanting a bigger garage…. though the gazebo trick does work well, been there myself…

keep up the good work, and keep those pics flowing!  :D

1983 mars red gti
1984 mars red gti
1994 golf vr6 - gone but not forgotten
2005 mk5 gti family wagen


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This is amazing mate, looking forward to more updates :)


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Thanks guys!

Sorry no updates yet, the weather and other commitments have meant no progress at the mo unfortunately :(

Hoping to get on with something tomorrow, really need the weather to help me out so I can get the other door and the boot painted so I can get the headlining in and at least make the shell watertight!



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So the past week has seen good progress, despite the cold and a couple of days of rain, i've managed to get the boot and passenger door painted.

20121024_154958 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121024_162326 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121024_162337 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121024_173146 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121025_111358 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121025_130439 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121025_111403 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121025_130451 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

Unfortunately I forgot to take photos after getting them primed in white and then top coated, probably due to the stress I encountered during!



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Over the course of yesterday and today I got the glass back in the boot, with the assistance of my better half, and the lock and catch reattached.

The new headlining fitted, took 3 hours to fit the roof section by myself. Kel helped again with fitting the B and C pillar trims, they aint easy!

Rear quarter glass, boot and rear lights fitted.

I started refitting everything on the drivers door, only got the quarter glass in before it started raining hard, so I rushed around to get the handles and lock mechanism refitted to the door and car so I could shut it as I couldn't tie it to the B pillar again with the rear glass now in place.

Anyway, here's some photos…

20121028_115601 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_121706 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_133852 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_133858 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_133904 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_150521 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_155923 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121028_160427 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121029_130810 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121029_130820 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121029_151255 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121029_151305 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

The last two photos are when the rain came along so had to get the car covered up pretty quick as I still don't have the windscreen or door glass in yet, and the rain made my phone go mental so couldn't get any better ones, sorry!

Also, the gazebo that was over the car got blown away a couple of nights ago which was unfortunate!



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You've done a cracking job of the car mate, keep up the good work!!


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Thanks very much :)

Certainly feels like there's light at the end of the tunnel now, getting it finally watertight will be a big milestone, that means everything is just wires or nuts and bolts from there! (JUST he says!)



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Great job mate well done with the headlining looks good from hear :)


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Well done with the headlining,


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hi just been reading your thread , i admire your tenacity keep up the good work , its good to get all the body sorted , i love the seats what are they from?
keep the pics coming !


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Thanks again :)

The roof and A pillar trims have gone as good as they can I think, really pleased with them, the B and C pillars aren't perfect, but I think very acceptable at least. The amount of different contours they need to conform to just asks too much of the material provided in the kit I think, but there we go.

The seats are from an Alfa 147, can't fit the rear bench though unfortunately, not in a way that would look nice at least



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Today I managed to adjust the boot to fit nicer than when I first guessed the hinge positions, fitted passenger door, refurnished both doors inc new door cards, fitted rear door cards, though I think I may make new ones of those soon too, fitted A pillar trims, and sat the driver seat in position because, well…because I wanted to :)

Now all i'm waiting for is a windscreen, managed to sort one with a local breaker over the phone for £30, then they rang me a bit later to say they broke it when they tried to remove it, damn!  :banghead:

Anyway, a couple of pics…

20121031_144415 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_144428 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_144450 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_144611 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_145653 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_145809 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr

20121031_163024 by myfirstmk1, on Flickr



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Hi rich did you break your front screen whilst removing it?

If so have you any advice on what not to do?

As I will be removing mine in the near future

Thank lee


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Haha, yea mate I did!

Advice is dont rush it or try prising it out with a screw driver, i was so annoyed that i never have any patience!

On my previous mk1, me and a friend sat in the car with our feet on the windscreen and spread the pressure as best we could, and with someone else standing by at the front, gradually increased the force until it all came free.

Dont know what the correct technical procedure is exactly but that worked.

Hope you have better patience than I!!



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Oh and refitting all the glass has so far been alot easier than I was expecting, so dont worry about that bit when you get round to it :)


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my front screen was badly scored , got a new one from w/screen company new for £45, not vw but is good.


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I got quoted £60 for a non gen screen, awaiting a call from someone else who reckons about £50, and also awaiting calls from breakers! Will have to wait and see…


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Nice project! Looking good :)

Mine was a simple engine swap (1.1 to 1.8T) and 5 years down the line he's still not done. argh!!!

Keep up the good work!

Steff x

I saw a crinkly peanut tomorrow


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Car looks incredible. Nice photo diary to look back in too.

Great work :)

White 1989 Golf GTi Cabriolet - sold!
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