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Right hand cornering and cutting out


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the point is it doesnt matter if the lift pump runs dry, as you have tyhe swirl pot after the lift pump to ensure the main pump is always supplied

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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agreed, but the correct pump with a swirl pot inside should cure it also… <fingers crossed>

plus it means i can drop the rear end out and clean and paint it all while i'm at it  :thumbs:


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you mean the gti tank right? yeah as long as the internal swirl pot is ok you're fine. the seal between swirl pot and tank can degrade which stops it workign right, plus make sure its a proper gti type as sometimes the diesel tank is sold as gti when its not, they do have a swirl pot of sorts but its just a basic metal cup and doesnt really work so well for petrol models

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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I've had to swap back to the original pump on my caddy sport. I had a mk2 pump and reservoir on but it started cutting out even with 1/2 tank in. I think the reservoir needed to be fed from a lift pump as the fuel could flow back into the tank on bends and up hills. Seems to work well now I have fixed the pipe to the swirl pot.


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yes the mk2 pump nmust be fed from a lifter to keep the reservoir topped up, otherwise the swirl pot is useless you're back to the original problem of pump straining and runnign dry when tank is low

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Running home last night after the Wheeler Dealers meet,  round the end o the M65, nearly there… Judder, judder, judder as I went round the roundabout!!!As if I need reminding!!  :P


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Ha dthe MOT and service done at Bert s in May. Today when I was driving round the same roundabout - nothing!!! No juddering etc at all and I was just under 1/4 tank.

Perhaps this lot had something to do with this!!! 

We fished quite a lot of rust out of the tank, probably left over from when the previous owner did the filler neck. The bottom was also 'hoovered' with a natty device made up of a tube, flier and a fuel pump. The other side of the fuel pump had a hose that went back into the filler neck to complete the cycle!

We'll see if that little job solves the problem.


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Nice fix.
Just the hot start now!


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Been working on tht one! Had the metering head and fuel pump changed so that may help! 
Fingers crossed!!  :o


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any details on the 'device', custom made or was it something you can buy?

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

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It was made by Bert himself.

Length of small bore petrol pipe connected to a filter - a large one and then a fuel pump connected to a car battery and then a length of pipe out of the pump long enough to reach the filler neck again. 

The small bore pipe ensures that it could be aimed at specific areas in the pot. 

Once the pot was 'hoovered' out the new filter was put n the car in the engine bay. 
The old one had a lot of sandy rust in it. It must have helped getting rid on all that!

Sorry, not pictures of the device!! 


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sounds simple enough, will bear it in mind if i ever need to hoover a tank :lol:

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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It was very simple but effective! It's a wonder that one isn't more widely used.
There are too many online users to list.