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The 'UNOFFICIAL' Road Trip Wörthersee 2015.


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'Unsupported', so who's up for it?

My timings have shifted a little as my travelling partner apparently doesn't understand calendars, bless her :lol:Will be leaving on the 15th, crossing in the Chunnel and taking a more southerly route out, overnighting in Frankfurt. Still staying at the Seehotel Vinzenz from 16th-19th but then heading back via Wolfsburg rather than going on the way over.

Weather's been fine down in the south, so prep is still continuing apace. Flushed through my gearbox today - what an utterly spiteful job that is! - and even finally got my bonnet bra fitted, which took a LOT of stretching. Snapped my bonnet stay clip though, which was annoying!

New tyres are on order and I'm hoping to fit them on Wednesday…had to respray my wheels several times to get the coverage up and there are a few runs, but never mind, they still look ace :)Just needs a good wash, polish and seal and then I can fit the wheels and decide how much drop I want. So, I'm nearly ready…fingers crossed :)What tools/spares are everyone taking? I always keep a selection (plus a spare bottle of all the fluids) in the boot but there's never that much space…


"Klaus": 1987 Clipper Cabrio, LA7Y, 1.8 Weber (auto)
1995 Corrado VR6, LK4Z: RIP
2003 Golf R32, LB5R


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My car REALLY doesn't want to go to Worthersee.. 14 days to go and its still not running!!


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addicted said

My car REALLY doesn't want to go to Worthersee.. 14 days to go and its still not running!!

Come on mate, what's the problem?
Start a post (if not already) and we can get the whole club working on it.

You know what we are like, 'We like a challenge'!  :thumbs:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Been doing a fair bit of prep on jetty.

I fitted a new weber carb, it's at a garage getting set up correctly - and they discovered it had the wrong fuel pump on it so just got them to change it while it's in. Get it back tomorrow :)

I've got a new bit of flexi exhaust to fit along with new speedo cable.

Ordered a new door card and few interior bits as I also have door bins and speakers to fit too.
Finally fit out the boot (not that you guys have that problem haha) then a machine polish!

If the weather is good going to take it to total retro in Cumbria on Sunday - wee test run before the adventure :D


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I thought by now I would be sitting back relaxed and just attending to the final few cosmetic touches.

If things are not finished to my satisfaction this weekend then I will need to come up with a plan B.

The engine still gives a good impersonation of an asthmatic sewing machine when idling. I would prefer her to run a bit smoother.

Still waiting for alterations to be done to my satisfaction on my fronts seats. No way can my back take the drive south in the seats I have in her at the moment. I have been promised these on a weekly basis now since late March.

With only 18 days to go before we head on down to Worthersee the uncertainty of it all fair gets the pulse going.  


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In the past I have worked 48 hours on a car, got in and driven it to Worthersee… 14 days? pah! I still have time to rebuild from a bare shell ;)My hotel room is booked and paid for (Falkensteiner, Velden) and non refundable.. I have back up plans involving various vehicles (although I don't much like the idea of paying the fuel on a V10 RS6).. last resort I'll fly into Saltzburg.. :)


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addicted said

In the past I have worked 48 hours on a car, got in and driven it to Worthersee… 14 days? pah! I still have time to rebuild from a bare shell ;)My hotel room is booked and paid for (Falkensteiner, Velden) and non refundable.. I have back up plans involving various vehicles (although I don't much like the idea of paying the fuel on a V10 RS6).. last resort I'll fly into Saltzburg.. :)

Eh you were lucky!
There were 16 of us livin in a shoebox in the middle tut road…… O_o
Still, tell the kids that today and their never believe thee!  :lol:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Is that how your servants spoke when you lived in Stockbridge?  :lol:


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addicted said

Is that how your servants spoke when you lived in Stockbridge?  :lol:

Well do you know of or remember the private School there, 'Marsh Court School'?  :ninja:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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I have heard, in hushed tones, of the said Marsh Court.. :)

My old boss lived down in Brook… Lower Brook House.. stunning place.


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addicted said

I have heard, in hushed tones, of the said Marsh Court.. :)

My old boss lived down in Brook… Lower Brook House.. stunning place.

Yes it is or it was the last time I saw it!  :thumbs:
Mind you so is Marsh Court and google the history of the place if you ever get bored of this forum!  :lol:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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GGIFA said

Still waiting for alterations to be done to my satisfaction on my fronts seats. No way can my back take the drive south in the seats I have in her at the moment. I have been promised these on a weekly basis now since late March.

With only 18 days to go before we head on down to Worthersee the uncertainty of it all fair gets the pulse going.  
Cor, check you out with your plush interior. My seat foams are sticking out through the covers and I managed to smear dirty ATF all over the (carpeted) door card when I was test-driving it yesterday :$

I had grand plans of replacing the dash, seats and scraper seals before heading out but right now I'll be happy to have wheels on it! Sealing the wheels tonight so I can fit the tyres tomorrow, nothing like a deadline…


"Klaus": 1987 Clipper Cabrio, LA7Y, 1.8 Weber (auto)
1995 Corrado VR6, LK4Z: RIP
2003 Golf R32, LB5R


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Well I also have a confession to make!  :$

For the last four weekends I been waiting for fine weather to give mine an overdose of TLC.
Spent a small fortune over the Winter on a Devalt cordless drill (extra batteries), Meguires DA polisher for it.
All the pads, the compounds, polishes and even Armor All shield, new micro fiber clothes by the dozen.
(for God sake, don't mention the above if you meet my Wife) Please.

We've had some fabulous weather here, the best Spring start I've seen it 20 years but….
It only lasts from Monday to Friday, today just over 24!  :P
Weekends have been total cr^ppo and so will this weekend coming.
Not one of the items has been used in anger, only admired and fondled from time to time.  O_o
Which will leave just the weekend before we leave for the whole lot if the weather is fine.  :P

To top that I have a new engine idle problem and a small exhaust leak from either the top end or maybe the manifold.  :P
My mechanic can't look at it until next Monday at the earliest.  :'(  

So unless thing start going right for me and as the car has not been polished since September last year (put in storage till last month).
If I do make it down in one piece, instead of looking out for a Alpine white Cabby with a Burgundy roof.
Look for a lumpy running, load sounding, Alpine grey Cabby with a dried blood looking roof.

Oh and a paraletically drunk Englishman, face down on a bar somewhere, with an Austrian Wife giving him verbal GBH in both languages!  O_o

Oh well, nothing easy these days. As the Elephant said to his Mistress the Mouse!  :lol:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Just when you think it can't possibly get any worse, just took at the route down from where I live and Buugger me, it looks more like a War Zone than a Motorway!

Not sure if those yellow and back triangles denote beware of the Minefields or Panzer Divisions!

So just a heads up when you are all planning your timings through and around the Alps.
Austria does all it's road works in the Summer, come what may.
Read an article in the paper the other day that they were 1,620 planned road works this summer, big and small.

My timing above is around 3h 20m but I'm planning for 5h, that's providing there's no accidents!

Just thought it was worth while mentioning it for those who have not experienced it before.  :thumbs:

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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That looks pretty benign, check mine out! :o

Good job I'm doing it across two days, I think I'd die of boredom otherwise. Especially at 65mph in a clapped-out Golf! :lol:

Finally got some tyres on :D Just need to do a final polish and get some sealant on them before fitting…if the rain holds off! Sneak preview…


"Klaus": 1987 Clipper Cabrio, LA7Y, 1.8 Weber (auto)
1995 Corrado VR6, LK4Z: RIP
2003 Golf R32, LB5R


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Excitement is starting to grow.. :)


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Sat here, bored at work. Dreaming of Worthersee.. drawing up a list of things I'm looking forward to…

1. Beer
2. Seeing the new pyramidenkogel in the distance as you drive past Villach after a 10 hour drive..
3. The Shell garage (although no longer Shell)
4. Steaks in Velden
5. Billa!!!
6. Sun.
7. Ice coffee in Reifnitz, sat by the lake
8. More beer.
9. Being stopped by the police and fined 20 euros
10. Faaker See

Anyone care to add?


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addicted said

Sat here, bored at work. Dreaming of Worthersee.. drawing up a list of things I'm looking forward to…

1. Beer
2. Seeing the new pyramidenkogel in the distance as you drive past Villach after a 10 hour drive..
3. The Shell garage (although no longer Shell)
4. Steaks in Velden
5. Billa!!!
6. Sun.
7. Ice coffee in Reifnitz, sat by the lake
8. More beer.
9. Being stopped by the police and fined 20 euros
10. Faaker See

Anyone care to add?

11. Seeing one or two of you Guys
12. Getting to see a few more Mk1's

Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

Play Guess the Asking Price 'SEASON 4' as of Sunday the 29th of October 2017.


Ever wondered who's behind the scenes of this forum?


There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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golfcabrio said

addicted said

Sat here, bored at work. Dreaming of Worthersee.. drawing up a list of things I'm looking forward to…

1. Beer
2. Seeing the new pyramidenkogel in the distance as you drive past Villach after a 10 hour drive..
3. The Shell garage (although no longer Shell)
4. Steaks in Velden
5. Billa!!!
6. Sun.
7. Ice coffee in Reifnitz, sat by the lake
8. More beer.
9. Being stopped by the police and fined 20 euros
10. Faaker See

Anyone care to add?

11. Seeing one or two of you Guys
12. Getting to see a few more Mk1's

13. Swimming in the lake
14. Cruzing round the Austrian roads


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15. Visiting Gmund and driving to the dam at the top of the Malta Pass
16. Grossglockner!!
17. Driving to Slovenia via the Loibl Pass (take the 91 south from Klagenfurt
There are too many online users to list.