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someones dog tied up and barking outside your home


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got woken up by this noise this morning

My Movie - YouTube

someone left their dog there for 20 - 30 minutes while they hada coffee and brekkie in barkery next door. it would not shut up barking and was doing my head in.

South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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Inconsiderate to$$ers mate. I'd have been down there and either tore into the owner or let the dog off :lol:



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mate i was so angry i went down and forgot to put shoes and tshirt on (i live in flat) by the time i got dressed properly the woman with retriever had gone and the woman with the spanial was just untieing him so i said "thank god their're going home theyve been doing my head in" no even a sorry

same when people park on the double yellow lines blocking access to our parking spaces they dont say sorry when you ask them to move. people here are sp far up their own asses

South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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 :P  :P  :P  :P  :P


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heres rant number 2

have a look at pic below. the area ive highlighed blue is the only access to parking for 10 flats. note on the floor it is painted keep clear, since this was taken there are now double yellow lines. yet people (like that guy in the astra) still think its ok to park there. i know hes only half over it buy i drive a vectra and it only just fits down that lane. (look at the size of the vectra on the right hand side)
and like i said if you go into the shop and ask people to move they get funny asking if they can finish their shopping first. ¬_¬

and breath……..

ive only been off work for 3 days lol

South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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There's just a general lack of consideration for others today IMO and that picture only proves it. :(


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One of my neighbours used to leave his dog tied up outside his front door every morning at 7am. Used to….
4 years on and he's just started speaking to me again, lol
Patience is thin at that time of day, lol


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I don't know what people expect tbh. If you make a noise at that time of the day you deserve everything you get and more. It should be against the law :lol:


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smudger said

Inconsiderate to$$ers mate. I'd have been down there and either tore into the owner or let the dog off :lol:



I sympathise with the parking too, at my folks house they live opposite a school and all the mums who drive from the top of the road (lazy!) just park across their drive when pick the kids up. If you confront them if you catch them before they go in to the school the most common reply is "I'm just going to be 10 minues!" - like you don't mind waiting to go out yourself, as long as they're alright!

It amazes me still how inconsiderate some people can be



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Hairyarse said

smudger said

Inconsiderate to$$ers mate. I'd have been down there and either tore into the owner or let the dog off :lol:



I sympathise with the parking too, at my folks house they live opposite a school and all the mums who drive from the top of the road (lazy!) just park across their drive when pick the kids up. If you confront them if you catch them before they go in to the school the most common reply is "I'm just going to be 10 minues!" - like you don't mind waiting to go out yourself, as long as they're alright!

It amazes me still how inconsiderate some people can be

went to take the golf out for a little drive and surprise surprise…..


South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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That's ridiculous mate. I'd be having serious words with the driver of that car. Unbelievable!!!


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"excuse me is that your Civic?"
"could you move it please?"
*Hufff* "ok"

not even a sorry

South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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 :P  :P  :P  :P  :P


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Unreal but doesn't surprise me. You need a battering ram fitted to the front of your car!  :cool:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Scott, you really need to find something to do with yourself during your time off, you'll end up blowing a gasket at this rate.


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Fathammer said

Scott, you really need to find something to do with yourself during your time off, you'll end up blowing a gasket at this rate.

Traffic warden!  :lol:  :lol:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Fathammer said

Scott, you really need to find something to do with yourself during your time off, you'll end up blowing a gasket at this rate.

i know lol ive been sat around bored all week with sod all else to do  :christmas:

South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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really winds me up people who are to lazy to park properly and inconsiderately

might be worth getting in touch with these guys  might not stop people but at least you get paid for it  :thumbs:  and it is an offence to block peoples drive way


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Dude, what you need is to clamp a transformer to the anuses towhook. Soon as he/she touches the door handle to open it they'll be in for a shock  :ninja:

1973 BMW 3.0CS "Helga"
1981 VW Golf GTi "Agolf"
1986 Ford Escort RS Turbo S2
1987 BMW M535i - 'Klaus'

Instagram: @ahmet_e9


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If you park bad around here, which most people do, you get your car rammed out of the way, or scratched. If your lucky, the police will see it first and tow it away, and lighten you (EUR-) 200 for the honour. Thats why so many cars have big dents in. Gets the message across though.... :ninja:

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