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CumbriaVAG Club Stand


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Thought I would start a new post about this….

A club stand has been booked for CumbriaVAG 2013, which is on 20th & 21st July, for approximately 7-10 cars.

A couple of members had put themselves down to be on the stand, I just wondered if you are able to confirm that you will be attending and to anyone else out there that is interested, please add yourselves to the list! We can always ask for more space if required!

Cheers, Dave

1 - jettyj
2 - massbad69
3 - bluey12
4 - mk1dcky


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I can't confirm yet, sorry but I'm away to a show the Sunday before and away on my holidays abroad the weekend after, so I don't know if I will make it :-(

I will only know at the time, so put me down as a maybe please !!



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Can't make it this years, parents golden wedding anniversary - being held at The Netherwood. 
It's only down the road but it'd be a bit rude to scoff n toe!!  :o


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Come on guys get your names down for the club stand…'s this weekend…any takers??


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Can't make it I'm afraid, wife just had op on her hand on Tuesday, son fractured his elbow yesterday and I'm at my cousins wedding reception on Sat night.

Hopefully next year :-)
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