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83 Gti set to get full resto


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My 83 Gti set to get full restoration

Melteddrummer said

 Get some pics for inspiration for me please!! :cool:

Will do!


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Bit more done this weekend so far, had a few repairs to both the car and the tub before I could even begin to try and fit the the thing, here's some pics…

Hole just above the turret and various slices around the tub

Rot cut out

On to the car, this lip was rotten so cut it off and welded a new bit in

Had to cut back some of the boot floor just above where the fuel filler breather hoses go through the chassis leg

made a new bit

Trial fit of the tub, it's going to fit ok but I need to do a bit more tidying up before I fit it properly

That's it for today, I'll get a bit more on it tomorrow.

Cheers, Andy.


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Just read this from start to finish and all I can say is WOW!! Some proper effort going into saving this, I wouldn't have a clue how to do some of those repairs or have the patience. :thumbs:


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Cheers Kedge, It's all new to me too mate, just making it up as I go along   :lol:   patience is key though!!


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Top work mate ;)



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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Cheers, Andy :)Got a bit more done today on the tub, a lot of fiddle and faff but it'll be worth it. Started this morning with a trial fit of the inner arch in with the tub, took a bit of persuading but I got it in eventually :)Front of the arch, note there's a bit missing on the tub where it was removed from the old car, I'll fix this in a few pics time…

Rear of arch, same again, bit of rot and bottom bit missing on the tub..

Got everything lined up on the car i.e fuel filler, got the two panels lined up with each other then removed them both and started another clean up. Took the primer back on the inner arch panel as there was signs of surface rust, cleaned both panels and primered the insides.

inner arch

primered and tried together again

Corner missing

and the other side

Started making a corner piece

put a return edge on, quite pleased with it :cool:

welded in

That's as far as I got today, I applied some rust treatment on the tub before I left this evening, so it will be ready for me to put the two halves together tomorrow night after work.

Didn't get as far as I thought I would this weekend but nevertheless, progress is progress!!

Another update tomorrow folks.


Last edit: by Melteddrummer


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Tidy  :cool:



1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si


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very tidy:thumbs:

Old dubs never die, they just get lower


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Nice work dude :)


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C'mon where's today's instalment  :lol:


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Cero said

C'mon where's today's instalment  :lol:

Here it is Cero mate as promised, not much really, just spent an hour or two after work mating the two halves together and final primer before I install it tomorrow night. :cool:

Here it is finally together as one unit :party:

Cheers, Andy :cool:


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Some serious metalwork going on here. Hats off to you for saving another mk1.


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Cheers, Watson. She's worth it mate ;)


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Some lovely work going on here matey. Top marks for you.  :)


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Cheers Andy :cool:  just noticed you've been modded, congrats bud! :thumbs:


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Bit of an update, I managed to get the tub in but I'm not sure if I've dropped a clanger somewhere when I put the two halves of the tub together, so any help would be appreciated if anyone can help!!??

Basically, the tub is in but the lines don't look right inside the car, it all looks a bit skew whiff :P

Here's the tub in

Check these lines, they are way off!! It's slanting off towards the back and the big hole at the bottom is cut in half nearly.  :P

I've got a feeling I'm going to have to split them in half again lol

The other problem I've got -which I forgot to get a picture of- is where the fuel breather pipes go through the hole in the chassis leg, If I move the tub inside the car to get the lines right, the breather pipe hole moves out of line :P

On the plus side, the turrets on both side of the car are exactly the same as each other, measured from the inside of the rear panel to the centre of the hole in the turret is 560mm on both sides and 267mm up from the boot floor to the top of the turret, so they seem to be ok O_o

Anyone know what the centres should be between the turrets? I've got 1015mm

I'm not sure how important the lines inside the car are but I'd rather they were right.



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Basically still gobsmacked at the skill and the determination mate.

Keep it up to inspire us mere mortals  :lol:

E ;)

Cornish Host.
1980 VW Derby
Clive the Cabby
Ujum the Invisible
Mynx the  Tintop


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Cheers dude, will do!! ;)


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Hi Andy

It looks from the pics like the whole tub is straight but sitting slightly too low - is that right? Seems like it all needs to come up about half an inch or so.

I can give you distance between turrets on mine tomorrow evening if you still need it by then - I'll be late-ish home from work but ping me a text about 8pm so I don't forget! lol  :lol:

Ref fuel breather pipe hole, I may be wrong but I think I've seen this issue before. If the rest of the tub lines up and this is then the only issue can the hole just be opened up?




1983 MK1 Golf GTI Campaign Model - Under (looooong) resto!
1962 Rover P4 80
2002 BMW 745i
2008 BMW Z4 2.5Si
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