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1.6 to 1.8 swap


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Hey, I have been browsing this forum for a while and still haven't found any answers for my problem.
So, I swapped 1.6 engine with 1.6Pierburg1B to a 1.8 Pierburg 2E2.
I haven't fired up the car yet, because i don't know whether i have to make some changes to wiring?? Some wiring charts would be useful, because i dont have a manual at the moment, and i don't find a decent link to download bentley's manual.
If there is any additional info besides wiring it would be appreciated.



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Or if there is too much wiring differences, can i run a 1.8engine with 1B carb and inlet manifold with no problems ?


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the 2e2 needs ignition live to the carb heater and the 2 valves round the back, plus it also needs the thermoswitches wiring up to the fusebox. 1 triggers the inlet heater and the other the autochoke heater.

the 1.8 engine is probably going to be electronic ignition too, if the old engien was points you'll need the 1.8 coil, tci unit and wiring, plus add an ignition live feed from the fusebox to the coil +ve (old coil +ve is a resistor wire so not enough voltage for electronic ignition)

if the old inlet manifold fits the head you'll probably find its easier to swap that over, but i have a feeling it wont work due to the 1.8 engine having an extra coolant feed to the inlet which the old inlet wont have.

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Thank you very much.

So the problem is, that i haven't done any car electric works, but i'm also too stubborn to take it to specialist(because it's my first project and i want to do all the work by myself)
I took the 1.8 engine off a mk2, should i replace mk1 wiring with mk2?(all the wires and fusebox)? Because that seems an easier way out.
Or should i try adding those extra wires ? I have almost sorted out the electronic ignition, still struggling with that resistor wire.
Anyways, could someone make a simple sketch related to wiring(what wires should i add and how to connect them) ?



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i'm going the easy way, i will try to use pierburg 1B carb on 1.8 and see how it does. if it runs poorly, i will go with webers.
In order to do that, i will have to block that coolant feed, or simply re-route it.
Water outlet head to manifold?... 8v carb'd | VW Vortex - Volkswagen Forum


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trouble with mk2 is the fusebox is on the opposite side of the car, so unless you fit the fusebox driver side and make holes in the bulkhead it takes a fair bit of effort to make the mk2 loom fit.

1st thing is to check if the old engine is actually running points, if not that has made your life a lot easier!

the next step is find out what feeds the old carb has. without much knowledge of the older carb I cant offer too much help there, but I imagine it has an inlet heater so you can reuse those wires for the new carb heater.

then It probably has some kind of carb heater, if so that will have an ignition live feed you can use to power the new carb heater and the 2 electric valves on the back.  the final piece of the puzzle is the autochoke heater, if your old carb also has a choke heater then you have all the wiring you need :) If not then it wont take much to fix it, because all you need to do is run an ignition live taken from the above to the autochoke thermoswitch in the front flange, then run the output to the autochoke :)

have a read of the 2e2 FAQ thread, this will hopefully help you get an understanding of the 2e2 carb. If you compare the older carb with it you should hopefully be able to identify the equivalent parts on it to map them across.

main thing is, does your old engine have 2 thermoswitches? if it does, then you will probably have all the wiring you need to continue. if not, then it wont be that difficult to sort it out if you have access to the old mk2 engine loom.

in fact, what fusebox does your car have? becasue if its the later blade type then if your mk2 donor is a pre-90 then the engien loom will plug into your fusebox, its just a case of strip it and adjust the routing till it reached. most of it will be too long, rather than too short!

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Thanks for changing my mind again :D i'm gonna go with 2e2, because if i block that water outlet and 1b won't work, then i'll probably would have to change the head..
My old engine has some kind of autochoke and heater i think(see the pic below) It definitely has manifold heater.
So, ill track down the right wires and check the voltage, if they don't work i'll take ignition live from manifold heater and connect that autochoke to the front end of the block.
Also i have a question about electric ignition. Does it need a ground wire or where does this wire go?(it's together with all the wiring from coil and tci unit,pic below)

Old carb:

The mysterious wire:



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yeah i can see the carb heater on the front and the autochoke heater on the back so all the wires you need for the carb will be there, just a case of is the car electronic ignition or not! if it is then you'll need to run ignition live to the coil, bypassign the old resistor wire. once thats done then you'll just need the coil, tci and the tci wiring from the donor and you're done. the tci loom is separate from the main loom so easy peasy to swap over

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

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thank you rubjonny!!
got my car running, i'm using old wire to coil and car starts with no problems.
one question about that idle valve, i had that audible click when i turned ignition on, but it doesn't seem to work anynore, atleast i dont hear that click anymore. will that be a problem and how to solve it ?
I can't tell if the carb works properly, because that damned o-ring is leaking, i have to remove inlet again..
Again, thank you so much, you are a local hero here! ;)


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1st off check your ignition live feed is still there, maybe the fuse has blown?

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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Yeah, it was a blown fuse. working properly now.
But the carb idles at 2k rpm, altough it did function normally on the other car.. vacuum problem?


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check the 3/4 point unit is retracting to the running stage to start with, and that the waxstat is getting nice and toasty warm soon after the engine fires. did you take the inlet off to check the condition of the coolant channel oring before you fitted it?

basically just check everything top to bottom in the 2e2 carb faq thread :)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

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