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my poor dave


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my poor dave

hi guys,

Just wanted to share with you what happened to Dave on monday eve, Basically Helen was walking him as usual when he was set up on by an Akita which if it wasnt for a member of the public hitting it with a piece of drain pipe he would have killed Dave and possibly helen, As of now the police dont give a monkeys as it was dog on dog and im contacting the council today.  The pics that follow arent nice and not for children.

He spent the day at the Vets yesterday being stitched up and getting sorted out and has to be back in on friday for a follow up and back again a week later, the vet bill was £430, Which was paid by the owner of the other dog.

She has said that the dog doesnt normally get out but since that conversation I have found out it has killed at least 2 other dogs and hurt another badly, it keep breaking the fence to get out, the woman who owns the dog reckons workmen from next door must have damaged the fence???? Will see now what the council are willing to do since she is council tenant.

to say im not a happy bunny would be an understatement but my dog is more important right now

 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:




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Sorry to hear and see whats happend. Im a big animal lover too.

Hope Dave gets better soon. He doest look to happy but im sure he will forget quickly.

Can I ask, what are the white things sticking out from each end of the stitches?



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thats awful, my spaniel was attacked once and the owners said these things happen, the other dog bt my mum who was walking my roxy at the time. The police were pretty good to be fair and the dog warden also came out. Turns out that dog has attacked vairous ones in the past and is on its last warning. YOur situation looks alot worse though, i hope Dave heals ok


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Can I ask, what are the white things sticking out from each end of the stitches?

the white things are a small latex tube to allow all the puss from the wound to drain out so as not to allow the area to get infected.

Chris -

That is horrible mate, i know how you feel and know the above as a simmilar thing happened to my collie cross about 18 months ago.

Nowhere near as bad, but still horrible, was one of the most horrible experience i have had.

She was off the lead and playing with believe or not 2 x labroadours!, after playing for 5 mins or so i continued around the local park, and then before i knew it these dogs were back and it kicked off. I think for some reason the older lab thought there was a need to deffend the younger  lab or something … i will never know

she has simmilar but smaller punture wounds and needed stiches etc, had the drain pipers in etc.

I am glad to say she has made a full recovery now, but now i worry and am reluctant to let her off lead.

Unfortunately becuase of her long coat i didnt see the wounds till we got home and i checked her over completely but fortunately i have insurance so minus excess that was covered.

Needless to say at the time it dosnt matter, its just the dog you want to be ok :-(

I would get onto the dog warden IMO that dog that attacked yours does not sound safe and is a risk to all that live in your area

Hope Dave makes a full recovery buddy, Rich

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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That's terrible mate poor dog
I had a similar experience over the fields by me with my dog,he's a very big dog cross german shepherd/husky but a big softie really,I was approached by a staffy and a bull mastif so I put mine on the lead they both started barking at bo but thankfully his bark and the sight of his knashers was enough to put them off,the owners just casually walked on  8O
I'm also reluctant to let him off the lead now,trouble is that sort of dog that attacked dave is a popular breed now and is a fashion statement for most but I don't think people realise just how powerful they can be!!
Hope he's back to normal soon Chris
Cheers,Sean  :)


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thats horrible mate, luckily when we had our dog he never got into anything like that!
if you know where this dog live cant you just poison it ? it sound harsh but the owner obviously doesnt look after it properly or else it would be trained + its gonna keep attacking dogs and most likely only a matter of time before it attacks a kid….

on another note dave is wicked what breed is he???


South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

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Nightmare for you Chris.

I hope Dave makes a speedy recovery.

Why are not the police doing something?

The dog is clearly dangerous.

A woman neighbour of ours had two dogs, nut's as you like. She was repeatedly warned by the police and dog warden etc to keep them on a lead, after. numerous complaints.

She didn't and they attacked a blokes dog as he was walking it, the bloke had an heart attack and died, she called her dogs off and left the man dead on the ground. Did nothing to help him at all, just walked off like it was nothing. She was not prosecuted..  The Family were devasted to lose there Father and dog in one go.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Awful news for you. As a Golden Retriever owner my heart goes out to you.

Unfortunately there are people out there who own dogs for all the wrong reasons and don't really give a monkeys £$%^ about them.

Penalties need to be stiffer IMO for those owners who mistreat and train their dogs to attack others and also those who don't keep proper control.

Hope the little fella heals up ok.


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I'm so sorry for you Chris, Helen and of course Dave!
That must of been terrifying to say the least.  :banghead:

All I can say is this, if that was my Dog (We have a field spaniel called Winston) I know exactly what I would do.

I'd go round with the metal syringe and give that dog a LEAD 'Aspirin'!
Then deal with the Owner and the Police after.

If I were in England, I'd do it for you because that's just not on.
I'm old School when it comes to stuff like this.

What are people or (Authorities) waiting for?
The very worst to happen?
If my memory serves me right, wasn't there a case in the UK in the last ten days about dogs mauling a lady to death?

Wouldn't, couldn't except it. If it was my dog, I wouldn't think twice and I think the absolute World of him!

All the best to you all and keep us updated please.


Sent by a smartphone and not a smartperson!

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There's me building mine 28 years ago, almost finished!        
Be proud of your VW Golf Mk1, it's very special!


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Met Dave at the AGM, me and the family loved him!
Hope he's going to be ok.
Best wishes to Dave and all the family.



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So sad what has happened to Dave perhaps its time to "meet" the owners.

I'm sure he will be ok in a short while.


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Get well soon, Dave.


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hi guys,

to answer a question, dave is a shar-pei

ok, so ive involved the police and council, waiting on them now, should hear thursday, have also got witnesses and someone else that had a problem with em too, all good news so far

thanks for your kind words, we really appreciate it




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A friend of mine got attacked by a Rottweiler and the police haven't done anything about it .. Thankfully he wasn't hurt too bad but the fact nothing was done is disgusting.
Hope dave gets better soon


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Keep us updated Chris

Hope they do something about it!


SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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Such a shame to see :( poor Dave.

Hope he recovers quickly and glad Helen didnt get injured either.

Hugs for you all x

I saw a crinkly peanut tomorrow


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Sorry to hear this Chris

Hope Dave is doing ok


April 14, 2005


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hi guys

still awaiting a call back from officer dibble, the council rang back but all he could say was they would go round and investigate and give a warning, all good until it gets out again. have also been advised to contact the RSPCA to see what they can do too

So far it looks like they not bothered until a kid gets hurt and then they will do something about it

does the phrase :- Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted mean anything

thanks for all kind support, Dave is doing well and getting better, Vets on friday morning at 8.30 for a check up




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hi guys

well, had Dave to the vets this morning, they removed his drain and did a general cleanup/checkup and im pleased to say, all is going very well.

Richyhill, you dog is lovely, they really nice dogs

thanks again for all your support on this




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some absoloute t***s out there hope everythings ok now !!
If you want a chat mate give me a call and i will come round
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