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Gti festival


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Gti festival

Well where do I start ?  I have to say that this was probably the worst show i've ever been to !! We arrived at about 10.30 am and I was expecting a lot more people to be there than there actually was.
  I walked through the show and shine section and would say that 50% of the cars in there had just been parked up and left with a flyer on the screen for someone to take pity on them and give them an award for least time spent shining !! Don't get me wrong there were some seriously nice cars on show , but as for the rest……….
  I was hoping to find some coilovers for the cab and was looking forward to seeing what the auto jumble had to offer. Think I would have found more goods if I had attended the local car boot !! No word of a lie in the area the size of a football picth there must have been 6 people max selling parts ! Garbage !!
 Also with it being the last so called big vw show of the season I was expecting to see a fair few  stands to be about and what services they'd be offering over the off season.  Well ! unless you wanted your car covered in cheesy stickers, a set of pressed plates and some pin striping done then you'd of been out of luck.  Think there were 6 traders and only the one offering any sort of performance upgrades.
  I spent an hour and twenty getting there and £30 for me and the Mrs to get in for not a great deal.  People slated the £18 spent at inters this year. This show wasn't worth £5 let alone the £15  :banghead:



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Well what can i say none of those comments get my bag!  Not really there fault were all on our arse . don't think they get a discount on there running costs just because not everyone can afford to do shows the whole year through, end of the day it  wasn't  a pub car park show , was some great strip action.   everyone had chance to rock up just like any other show , as for the auto jumble  i bought a item for a tenner just to find out when i got home they go for sale on ebay for eight times as much as what i paid,  i've spent many a hour hunting through HUGE jumbles and come away  with nothing in the past. As for standard of the cars  , last time i looked cars don't drive themselfs so somebody must have had the pride to drive them and  enter the  show.  Not eveyone can  drive a car on edition 38 level . final word comes down to a show is what you make it and when it involves england theres not a lot more you can do these days. Maybe  i'm just a little biased after having done MIVW the other month , one thing i learnt after MIVW i'll be a little less willing to jump in my car and go to a show in england next year


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Oh and as for buying show special coilovers , i wouldn't bother there the next step up from chopping springs i should know i've run them for the last eight years :roll:


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I have to agree with both of you.  Being relatively new on the scene this year I was sorley dissapointed in the turn out. I thought this would be a big show as it was advertised as the "final" gathering in the Gti festival calender.

But as the saying goes its what you make of it that counts. Annoyed at £15 each for such a poor attempt but the atmosphere was good and the racing entertaining enough. I parked my car in the show n shine out of pity for them not me, even thought my ride is very tidy and clean its not exactly a show car……..but the place looked empty and as Mathers said not everyone can afford to drive show cars but do the best they can with time, budget and skill level. If you have put any effort in at all why not be allowed to show it off.

There were 2 cars in the "for sale" section…….2! and yes only about 6 in the auto jumble (I have more bits than all of them put together in my garage) but there were a few gems amongst them. Think next year I may do a jumble myself.

Being a 1 day event and not a weekender I was expecting a good to great show……..ended up with just an "yeah was alright I spose".
would I go again…..yeah course I would!

So Baggie……where would you recommend I attend next year?


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oh dear guys doesn't sound good! I'll give you a tip though if you didn't like GTi festival don't bother with GTi spring cos its exactly the same! (dubbed as first show of the season!)

and I'm sure people park in the show and shine, just cos it's easier than using the car park!

'93 mk1 clipper(my occasional daily)

'89 mk2 16v gti(my daily when not using the above)

'08 a4 cab s line(the wifes daily)

2 doors rule!


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Not good to hear. :(


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Should of come to Malvern !!




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lhasadreams said

Should of come to Malvern !!

Think I will next year! Not sure the old girl would of made it this year.
Defo got some fine tuning to do!  :roll:


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Think I will next year! Not sure the old girl would of made it this year.
Defo got some fine tuning to do!

Its def worth it, check the show pics section, great turnout as always

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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Well got to be honest here the last 2 years have been to Malvern ,couldnt have asked for better company,great club camarade and made to feel really welcome and a 1st class show to boot.
But this year it coincided with Gti international so due to the fact the caddy faction were attending decided to travel the extra 200 miles to Santa pod,I enjoyed it but then I like to concentrate on the good things rather than the bad,especially when you cant turn the clock back,certainly not the same atmosphere but as I say its what you make it .
Next year Malvern all being well,anyway just a few pics


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Don't suppose anyone got a any pictures at all of my silver mk1 golf? Really want a decent picture as it was my first show after finishing it, and don't have any decent pictures of it at all! :(


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well i enjoyed the show i even parked my car in the show an shine, ok its not a real show car but on my budget its the best i can do, i cant afford a 10k rebuild like alot of ppl on here seem to be doing, i have a family and other commitments so if my car offended anyone on sunday……
tough tits.
luke i might have a pic of your car mate but probably wont upload them (130ish) incase i p155 someone off.
if you go to a show and you dont like it there is no need to slag ppls cars off you just say "it wasnt for me and i wont be going nxt year" i personally enjoyed it and will prob go nxt year.
might have to stay away from malvern incase my car is not to some peoples liking.
rant over.

1988 mk1 golf gti cabby
1991 mk2 golf 1.6 driver


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gti festival

i can understand where baggie is comin from, me and the mrs travelled 120miles each way and were dissapointed, seemed to be nothing there.....i would also like to add i prefer the NOT show perfect cars as i can appreciate the hard work people put into their own car and not pay someone else 2 do it.....couldnt bring myself to go to malvern as the mk1 has been off the road for 12mths with a dead engine( 2.0l 16v 9a goin in this winter) brainer nxt year malvern all the way really enjoyed it last year :D


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I didn't slag anyone's car off if you read my post. I simply said that there was no effort put into a fair few of the cars in the show and shine. If I was showing a car I'd give it at least a decent was and polish ! The amount of cars that had scratches on them was ridiculous. Would you really expect to pick up any trophies ? There was one guy there with a minty green seat. nothing spectacular , but the amount of effort he put into cleaning and polishing it up was unreal !! We got there at 10.30 and he was still cleaning and polishing as we left at about 1.30. I'd like to think that he would have picked up a trophy on the effort that was put in. It wasn't a car that had vast amounts spent on it , but  he paid attention to detail on it.


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Sounds as depressing as this years Volksfest Wales lol


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fair comment baggie, i actually enjoy driving my mk1 and yes it does have scratches and dints on it, if people are going to trailer there cars around purely for showing them it make me wonder what is the point in owning it????
cars are made for driving and that is what i do in mine, like a 2 hour drive to pod,so no it wasnt concours or mint, but i just wanted to show my car off not particually shiny but just for people to look at.
 and it saved on the walk to the carpark :-) gazmo

1988 mk1 golf gti cabby
1991 mk2 golf 1.6 driver


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Maybe there are just too many VW shows and with the economic climate the way it is they just become too thinned out.

I prefer general classic car shows as there's always something different to see and learn about.
VW shows all get a bit "samey" after a while IMO. - Maybe I'm getting old! :lol:


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Yomp said

I prefer general classic car shows as there's always something different to see and learn about.
VW shows all get a bit "samey" after a while IMO. - Maybe I'm getting old! :lol:



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gazmo80 said

might have to stay away from malvern incase my car is not to some peoples liking. rant over.

You obviously have never been to Malvern then !!

£3 to get in per car and £5 per tent.
Club BBQ with a great share of food if you want.
Club shelters and fire, bring your own logs.
Cracking banter and chat around the fire with beer and pickled onions.
Any owner welcome what ever state their car is in - not everyone likes everyone else's, but hey does that matter? Does it heck.
Great show day, arena style, loads of categories to enter - cracking classic cars from all makes.
Cakes from Anna - the best !!

Hopefully you can join us next year - you will be welcome, oh and you will have to eat a spicy pickled onion ;-)




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Yomp said

Maybe there are just too many VW shows and with the economic climate the way it is they just become too thinned out.

I prefer general classic car shows as there's always something different to see and learn about.
VW shows all get a bit "samey" after a while IMO. - Maybe I'm getting old! :lol:

We all are Graham !!

You would of enjoyed Malvern a lot then :-)
Apart from the cold - brrrr



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