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URGENT, EVERYBODY READ THIS!!!!! End of modified cars..


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URGENT, EVERYBODY READ THIS!!!!! End of modified cars..

Everybody, follow this link. The EU wants to abolish modified cars, everything to be standard.

 This is not a hoax, spread the word……we need to gain momentum.


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Elroy my good man!

No one enjoys modified cars more than I, or the guests on this site.

I feel confident when I say, this will never happen.

Please sleep easy knowing the government would not close down specialist garages, insurance copmanys, parts specialists, engineers, import and export companys, the public spending there money etc. The list goes on and on!



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I've literally just sold all my modified stuff because of this.

Thanks Elroy, you're a trooper. ;)


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But, what if???


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Elroy said

But, what if???

I don't dwell on what if's but just for you I'll play along.

I'll drive a normal car and get over it……. Fight the power.  :mrgreen:


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It's bull. Dvla couldn't handle such a change.

MK1 Cabby '90 R.I.P

'83 tin top gti


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The end of the world is nigh :)


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No but it's time the clubs and the competitions differentiated between standard (Factory Spec) and modified or total rebuilds!

Don't worry guys the Hells Angels will fight your corner!


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Ok, lets clear this up!!!

IF and I mean IF your car is totaly standard and i mean no mods whats so ever!!! and It's 30 years old you get the goodies if not then your car have to comply with current mot tests and pay road tax….

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Just in case, you thought i was making a molehill outta nothing, check Pistonheads. This seems to be causing a stir everywhere.


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It's mass hysteria. ACE started it all through boredom and the need for a crusade.

Relax, enjoy your cars.

irish green 1983 mk1


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Taken from

This is alarmist reporting and is nothing like as bad as it seems. The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs lobbies in the European Parliament on all of our behalf, and the MGCC representative is Chris Hunt Cooke. Here is what he wrote on the V8 Register web site this morning:

I am afraid that that this is alarmist nonsense from ACE written by someone who does not know how the EU works. This is simply the first draft of a proposed directive, issued for comment. The DfT have circulated a paper picking out some of the items and requested the reactions of a few organisations. They are not set up at this stage to receive individual comments, and flooding them with individual comments will not be in the least helpful.

What the Commission have done is more or less take the German model of testing, where one of the criteria is whether the vehicle conforms to the original type approval, and what FBHVC will be doing is urging that the UK model is maintained, under which the vehicle as presented is tested for safety related items. The proposal as drafted is wholly impracticable in any event, requiring detailed specifications of every vehicle ever built to be available to the tester, in order to determine whether it has been modified, because a modified vehicle could not be a historic vehicle and therefore exempt, whatever its age.

irish green 1983 mk1


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Think this is a real threat, its hard to modify cars in some euro countries and you know they want us all to be one happy family with similiar rules all over, and you reckon our euro loving leaders have the b**** to tell them where to get of.


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Oh please. Its a crock of shit! It will never happen!



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So if you change your steering wheel or put different seats in your car (both forms of modification) are they going to ban this?
They wont enforce it cause they wont be able to "police" it, too much hassle .


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"Im confiscating this car under section blagh-de-blagh of the EU vehicle standardisation act because your dust caps were made by halfords".

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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If your valve caps are from Halfrauds public execution would be better than car confiscation!! LOL

Speeding is like masturbation, everyone does it ,but it's not something you should record and put on the internet!! 
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