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Chortles Project Green Rivage. New roof time....


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Chortles Project Green Rivage. New roof time.....

Not sure about that, is there a stop.
I know there is on the speedo one.
I did think that, but couldn't see one on the clocks nor whete the remains if one was even and they were okay till I pulled the needle off lol.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Maybe not? I can't remember without looking

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Nope there is no stop.
I think you may have to wind the centre spindle in and then put the needle on?

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Thanks to dek, yesterday for helping me out.

Swapped over the rear bumper now, not fully tightened or in place proper yet as I got the arch covers to go back on, took the rear arches off, one was missing bits and was snapped and had been glued back together, what a mess.

Luckily I had a spare, so rubbed it down, primered it, flatted, more primer 3 coats base 4 laquer with flatting in between, just needs a final flatting then good to go.

Heres one done and ready to go back on.

Fun and games with the alarm, after making up the battery pack and soldering it into the alarm, I  tried to put the PCB back in the housing and snapped one of the crystal oscillators off GRRRRR.

Orderd a spare last night and it came this morning, so that's next on my list…

Finally got the black gunk adhesive off, had to soften it with thinners and then pick at it with a blade.
It's made a mess, so I have just given the arches a coat of primer, till I get to them, good news it's all nice and solid underneath. So happy days.

some serious glue here, …..

Front end looking a bit sad at the moment, just got to paint front bumper and it will look like a car again.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Looking Good chief! Are you painting with cellulose or 2 pack? And just in the garage? Whatever you're doing, it's looking damn fine :mrgreen:


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looking good mate! my front bumper, back bumper and front drivers wing are on there way up to you for paint :-), make sure you do em red not green though ;-)

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Not sure what the paint is lol, just get it from my local paint place.
They are pretty good to be fair.

Painting in the garden on my make shift table.

Arches clamped down into correct position, apparently all panels should be painted in the position they fit on the car.
It's to do with how gravity pulls the metal flake in metallics.

It's just time consuming to get a good finish, no point rushing lol.



"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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solderd the new oscilator crystal in place glued it down before hand with the glue gun, that will hold it steady if I caught it again.

Fitted new battery pack…

So alarm back in place, tested and working properly..yay.

Shortend the auto Ariel cables, soldered them up also and nicely taped up too.

Cant do anything else as its started to rain, only need a good week or warm sunshine and I should be done.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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You know that the rear archs are factory bonded on the post 90 cabs? The glue is a absolute bithc!!!

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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Yep knew that one fella. These have been off before.
The car at some point had the arches painted.
I reckon that's how the rear one was broken in the first place.

It's tough stuff, thing is I will  need to glue em back on.

I am cracking on with it, but can't use the buffer in the rain.
I have 2 gazebos but there at my sisters.

Need a late speaker cover also mr funk and what size are the speakers in the late fro t pods. My tweeters work, but the main speakers are silent and are odd makes.
Wonder if the speakers are blown?

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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looking good carl





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Cheers Chris..

should look smart when it's all done.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Nice work Carl, just had a full read through and caught up to where your at with this. Looks like you've got the arch sealant off the body now but if you need to get this stuff off again use a toffee wheel. It's a soft rubber disc that mounts to a drill and will remove decals/glue etc without damaging the paint (working a section at a time without building up too much heat).

You shouldn't have needed to remove the rev counter needle to access the board, it all disassembles from the back of the clocks leaving the clack faces untouched. I'm not sure how to fix it but I have a Motometer rev counter here if you need one. It has a white needle but a dab a fish float paint should match it up to the orange ones!

Looks like your doing a great job on it and the paint work on the arch trims looks fantastic!  Fingers crossed for some sunny days so you can crack on with it. 8)


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Cheers Gav,

Toffee wheel sounds like the way forward as I still got the drivers side to do, didn't want to start too much, as the car is outside, do any exposed metal equals rust. So by doing one at a time on the pass side means if the weather turns I am ok.
Reckon I might need that rev counter off you then.
I think I may of damaged it when removing.

Good idea about the paint for the needle too.

Pm me regards the rev counter then please Gav.
She's getting there now, just put some green on the arches and laquered  up, so that needs to go off.
Then some 100, 1200 and then some 1500 gauge wet and dry to blend in with the other finish. Cut polish, glaze, then 3 stage meguiers.



"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Tiny update.

spent the day trying to avoid the thunder and rain showers, however still got soaked. lol.

Managed to get the front wheel Arch painted and laquered and mopped, polished up. Need to put some meguires on but decided once all the paint is done I am gonna mop and polish the whole car before putting the arches etc back on.

Spot the difference? No more rubbish Rivage decal.
Looking forward to getting my superb ones on later.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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Looks great Carl, it's going to be a wee cracker :-)

When your finished with it, there's a Sportline that needs a nice mohair hood sometime and a nice spare room with food and beer up in sunny Scotland waiting ;-)

Keep the updates coming



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Carl my mate is leaving Germany within two weeks, if you need anything please let me know.

If you can read this, thank a teacher,

If its in English, thank a soldier.

A soldier fights not because he hates whats in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him.


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Chris I need to put a new hood on mine too.

Last job though, hopefully this year..

Cheers Steve, no doubt I will think of something when he gets home lol.

replied to your pm.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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My painting set up lol..

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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You're giving me inspiration to do mine like this!

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