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unregistered campaign


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unregistered campaign

Bigadd said

Well that last comment of mine seems to have stopped the thread dead in its tracks anyone ??

if i was still in an official capacity I'd have sent something off to them, ayone could point ebay at this thread anyway!!

thing is tho, whoever buys it will go collect and find out its a load of poop anyway so should walk away..


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Bigadd said

I thought maybe somebody off here has alerted Ebay of our concerns and as "The Mk1 Golf Owners Club"  we can prove everthing we say cant we ?

If that is the case it must be pulled as its not what it says its not ???

I have never found anything acutally wrong with the ad apart from it is claiming to be "new". It is not claiming to be originally just a shell (not a complete car), not painted, etc.

What is wrong is people failing to research and bidding.

Who knows what a nice shell is worth?



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I guess we are all different i geniunally feel sorry for people if they get the wool pulled over there eyes and lose money.

I will email Ebay but i doubt it will do much good in the old days you could see who was bidding now you cant.

Sometimes though i just  :banghead:  :banghead: with society its all about looking after number one and stuff everyone else its a sad reflection that more and more people are like this.

One day we all will require a helping hand and pointing in the right direction i only hope people will help me when the time comes.

I cant be bothered to post anymore on this topic as quite honestly it makes me angry much like the whole Forum if truth be told ( Yes i have a choice to be here i know that before some dipstick with no balls points it out )


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dubboy said

Bigadd said

I thought maybe somebody off here has alerted Ebay of our concerns and as "The Mk1 Golf Owners Club"  we can prove everthing we say cant we ?

If that is the case it must be pulled as its not what it says its not ???

I have never found anything acutally wrong with the ad apart from it is claiming to be "new". It is not claiming to be originally just a shell (not a complete car), not painted, etc.

What is wrong is people failing to research and bidding.

Who knows what a nice shell is worth?

Yep, ive said as much on another forum. He doesnt claim its an unused shell apart from the fact that it says NEW at the top. As x5pea has stated its not registered with VW UK. He just very economical with information in an aparent attempt to pull the wool over somebodys eyes. Ill continue to bid up to a silly amount. Clearly i have no intention of buying it. Hopefully he will see sence and pull the ad. Either way he shouldnt be having anybody over.


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?6600 with 3 days to go, mad!



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I see he's now changed his description and states its "not new" and has been resprayed etc, would have been easier to do that in the first place!!


1983 Golf Gti


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Well I spoke to the lad and he was only too willing for me to view it, drove 20mins down the road and done what alot of you have failed to do.. speak to the lad on a face to face basis..

The car is indeed solid and the vin number original (more than I can say for alot of the cars at this years shows that opt to remove the panel "for that smooth look")

The documentation he has looks to be genuine as does the lad, he also took the liberty to show me why he is abrupt and slightly peeved off, considering he has ove 600 emails from so called VW experts slagging him and the car off and the fact his phone has been plagued with tyre kickers would suggest why some folk are getting a frosty reception, not to mention the fact he is aware that idiots are killing off what is a genuine sale.

He is not trying to sell a car for the purpose of registering as NEW, he has already looked into this via DVLA and they have informed him the car would be registered on a points basis depending how many of the original parts (and what parts are used) so his intention was to use the bodyshell as a re-shell on another vehicle, the spares he has are NOT from this unregistered vehicle but are from another MK1 GTI (history and all numbers present to be checked) although this is NOT what is on sale.

He is howether selling a bodyshell that for some reason failed to be registered, which is plausable considering I see many Note/micra cars knocking around Nissan everyday that for one reason or another failed to ever leave the factory and used as a run around/sit about for parts etc until such time they are either scrapped or moved on. The process is alot tighter nowadays and these vehicles are nearly always accounted for but when we cleared the old Rover site I personally witnessed 5 un registered mini sportpack bodyshells being recovered by a local mini repair specialist (do you honestly think they were crushed?)

I would say if your genuine and really want to view this car then leave your questions until you are their face to face with the guy as he is sick of pointless conversations over the phone that amount to nothing but a slagging match from members of various "enthusiast" clubs..

<a href="">New Golf Cabrio Forum NEEDS YOU</a>

<a href="url"></a>


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^^I do kind of agree with you. But the ad wording comes across poorly:


No it is just a shell, like thousands of others. The fact that it is not registered (of which the seller provides no proof of anyway) does not make it priceless. In fact it could make it a pain to register it. I could make my shell unique by painting "Andy for Club Chairman" on it - wouldn't make it priceless though.

"There is not another unregistered Golf anywhere". Hmm I can think of several thousand coming off the production line every day.



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I was seriously interested in this from the details on the listing, I'm not sure if it was poorly worded on purpose or not but either way as soon as the seller realised i knew the mk1 golf abuse was the only reply i was getting. I had tired to arrange to see the car multiple times last week to no avail and I was happy to give him the 5k he wanted for it had it been the shell i was lead to be belived from the add so hardly a tyre kicker.

I understand how many timewasters you get when you are selling something which is desirable and something like a unreg mk1 will attract a lot of attention, but that's still no reason to abuse people in my opinion. What started off as the rarest thing on the planet has turned out to just be a bit of an odd ball really nothing more IMO.

If he had calmly explained that the car was not in fact new AS STATED IN THE EBAY ADD but infact a used shell and due to some mix up or another was un reg i would have still be interested. Rather he thought fit to fly off the handle to a genuine buyer who had been nothing other than polite and unlike the bidders on ebay actually has the cash.

Did you buy the car then jetta gti????


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I can tell you exactly whats happened with this as I know of another shell in the same situation.

The shell I know of is a 81 MK1 GTi that was used until 1988. It was then took of the road. In 2006 I made some enquiries with the dvla about the car as although the stamped VIN number and VIN plate are present, there is no paperwork with the car.

Because the car had been off the road so long the DVLA had no record of the car AT ALL!

I enquired about putting the car on the road and they said the car would have to 'registered' with a new 'age related plate'.

Sound Familiar???

They did however say that if I was to try and register it they would have to:

1.Try and contact any previous owner if details could be found,
2.Contact the police and have them do a search through their records incase stolen etc?
3.Do a search through the insurance database for any details
4. An engineers report would have to be carried out.
5. A VIC check may be required.

The above was to enough to put me off and I didn't bother. Wish i'd known some complete mug would give me 6-8 grand for it. I'd have bought it, (?150 I could have had it for).

Craig, Co. Durham
78' MK1 Golf N (Work in Progress)
88' MK2 Golf GTi 8v
93' MK1 Golf Cabriolet
06' Yamaha R6


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MK1Junkie said

I can tell you exactly whats happened with this as I know of another shell in the same situation.

Similar situation but not the same case here, in your case VW would have a record of the car having been sold via a dealer and having been assigned a Reg no. This shell (rather the vin no) has no record of having ever been sold nor even being in the UK, after it rolled out the doors of the factory as far as the VIN is concerned it disappeared .

Ofcourse we know that this shell has been used so of course has been on the road and as such unless it was a track car it must have been used on the road.


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whats all the fuss about? it just looks like pile of old junk.


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JettaGTI said

Well I spoke to the lad and he was only too willing for me to view it, drove 20mins down the road and done what alot of you have failed to do.. speak to the lad on a face to face basis..

The car is indeed solid and the vin number original (more than I can say for alot of the cars at this years shows that opt to remove the panel "for that smooth look")

The documentation he has looks to be genuine as does the lad, he also took the liberty to show me why he is abrupt and slightly peeved off, considering he has ove 600 emails from so called VW experts slagging him and the car off and the fact his phone has been plagued with tyre kickers would suggest why some folk are getting a frosty reception, not to mention the fact he is aware that idiots are killing off what is a genuine sale.

He is not trying to sell a car for the purpose of registering as NEW, he has already looked into this via DVLA and they have informed him the car would be registered on a points basis depending how many of the original parts (and what parts are used) so his intention was to use the bodyshell as a re-shell on another vehicle, the spares he has are NOT from this unregistered vehicle but are from another MK1 GTI (history and all numbers present to be checked) although this is NOT what is on sale.

He is howether selling a bodyshell that for some reason failed to be registered, which is plausable considering I see many Note/micra cars knocking around Nissan everyday that for one reason or another failed to ever leave the factory and used as a run around/sit about for parts etc until such time they are either scrapped or moved on. The process is alot tighter nowadays and these vehicles are nearly always accounted for but when we cleared the old Rover site I personally witnessed 5 un registered mini sportpack bodyshells being recovered by a local mini repair specialist (do you honestly think they were crushed?)

I would say if your genuine and really want to view this car then leave your questions until you are their face to face with the guy as he is sick of pointless conversations over the phone that amount to nothing but a slagging match from members of various "enthusiast" clubs..

I think that you are missing the point slightly. If the original advert had been as open and honest as he appears to have been with you 'face to face' then there would clearly be no problem. The fact of the matter is that the original ad WAS misleading and claimed that the car was something that it IS NOT. As soon a somebody has questioned him about it (x5pea) he's got arsey, defensive and vague. They don't strike me as the actions of a genuine vendor. Now  with over 6 grands worth of bids posted he's changed the ad and confirmed that in fact its not NEW, but secondhand. Now you tell me, is ANY used and stripped MK1 shell, registered or otherwise worth 6+K? Not withstanding the fact that its had a blow over respray. Lets be honest here, its pretty clear that he thought he would elaborate and embelish the shell, hoping to cash in on a bit of 'scene tax' and take somebodys eyes out. If he knows that its been bid up (and he does, because he is clearly shill bidding) then he should have no problem pulling the ad, relisting and letting it find its correct level when its an accurate and honest ad.


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mk1 unregistered golf

I know you all like being kept updated so this is what I have done in response to your unmitigated lies!

The illegal sourcing of my Golfs VIN Number has been reported to the police, DVLA and Volkswagen which they are currently looking into.  

Chris Peacock aka X5PEA has been reported as having illegally gaining this VIN Number from a VW garage.  I today have phoned the  VW GROUP 01908 601601 and reported  this incident.  They have asked for this owners club forum chat messages you have all posted and they have now been sent.

Also Chris Peacock,  you have clearly said you talked to the woman who typed the Heritage Letter,  this has also been forwarded to VW,  also your messages of how to blag the DVLA have been sent to the DVLA.

Daztheclaw,  superguybri,  you have all conveniently stated in your messages on MK1 Golf Owners Club how you wish to bid this item up.  Every person associated with this charade has been logged.  All messages printed out and are being forwarded to the Police, Vw and the DVLA.

Please,  you do all know that what you are doing is illegal and there are laws to prevent this happening which you are flouting.

I will do everything to take this matter to court.  I do not know why you would want to do this. I do not know what possess you to say these things,  but I will and I am taking this all the way.

Please forward this message to all the other forums you all frequent i.e clubgti etc.  I have a print out of every single message you have all posted,  which are slanderous, vulgar, obscene and I will follow this fully through.

I am now going to report this club to the Committee who are involved in this and then to the ombudsman pertaining to internet harrassment.


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There are also laws regarding misleading advertisments. Clown!! Any idea what time 'The Sweeney' are coming for me? Ive got a lot on this week. Very apt user name by the way  :wink:


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Re: mk1 unregistered golf

weazel said

I know you all like being kept updated so this is what I have done in response to your unmitigated lies!
Sorry, and you are portraying yourself as some sort of angel in all this?

You've advertised a car as unique to a market who have then sought to exercise reasonanble diligence over it, and somehow have the cheek to turn the tables when their findings are insufficient to warrant the embellishments in your advert. How telling that?

The facts are that this car has been used, and the shell that remains is a stripped shell, freshly repainted, with no clear evidence of how hard a life it has truly had.

And it appears that someone with a Land Rover parts connection is bidding on the advert. Who is that? Is it safe to assume that person is not connected with yourself. If it is, you are committing fraud, and are sabre rattling by pulling the legal card on others in this conversation.

The car has clearly bypassed the DVLA and UK VW dealers. Therefore by default there are 2 simultaneous admin errors in the UK, or it has been delivered in RHD form elsewhere in the world, and has crept back into the UK without being registered properly.


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Re: mk1 unregistered golf

I'm genuinely sorry, I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but seeing as we're being proper:

weazel said

Also Chris Peacock,  you have clearly said you talked to the woman who typed the Heritage Letter


weazel said

also your messages of how to blag the DVLA have been sent to the DVLA.

Really? Which ones?

weazel said

Please,  you do all know that what you are doing is illegal and there are laws to prevent this happening which you are flouting.

For the genuinely ill-informed (me) which ones would they be?

And finally just to put our minds at rest on the matter, could you perhaps shed some light on a few of the issues that have been raised regarding the new nature of the shell. For example lack of factory plates, paint on places that would not be painted in the factory and apparent rust that has been painted over? Why did you change your eBay listing? If we are mistaken and this is indeed a new shell, why would you feel the need to alter the listing to omit the fact it is new?

I am not trying to provide offence, just curious.

Yradave says relax.



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x5pea said


I saw this when it first went on ebay and like most i was sceptical about its history, but as an unregistered shell and the misleading info in the add i presume there was a good possibility of being genuine.

I did some digging about and managed to fill in some of the blanks judge for yourself.  Its a long one :mrgreen:

First off it is a 1983 Campaign GTI, in silver, registered 12/8/83

Guy who owns it is Bill Walton but ive also heard the name Mr Ross.

I managed to get the chassis number :wink: and called VW and as the ebay listing said they have no history off this vehicle being registered to a UK Dealer there could be a number of reasons for that a few of which i was offered were it may have been purchased direct from VW by a collector, investor or non VW retailer. When a VW was sent to a dealer back in 1983 once it was sold the selling dealer is attached to the vehicle on what records VW UK kept back in the day.

Everything looks good at this point, so called in a favour from my dealer and got them to do some digging around on the chassis number. Nothing came back other than it left the factory as a built GTI in 1983.

Still looking good, did an HPI on the chassis number and again nothing came back.

At this point im thinking ok new shell, poss stolen back in 83 from the port or dealers before it was registered, stripped for parts then the shell was stored and passed on a few times. So i call DVLA and enquire how would i go about putting it back on the road if its a complete car and never used (which it isnt) it would be require MOT, TAX and Insurance (dont on the chassis number) then they will register at the current date and put it on an 1983  age related plate. However if it is a shell which you are then putting an engine in then it would be registered as a Q plate or if you provide evidence of the date of the engine they will assign a date related plate based on this.

Again im thinking ok, i buy new VAG parts stick an engine in it and blag DVLA to get it reg as a new car (ie dont tell them about the engine), bingo 0 miles 83 campaign reg 2009.

I heard from the forums the guy was looking for 5k for it which i was prepared to pay so tried to arrange an appointment to go and see it. I was on business in Liverpool and live in Scotland so it was easy for me to swing past Bishop Aughton where the car is stored.  I called the number on the listing a few times  (07717215592) no answer and no answer phone to leave a call.

Then i called the number from the other adds on ebay (07795 642696) a breakers yard finaly get to speak to someone. But its only the guys mate and he cant make any decisions and i need to speak to Bill Walton, then he gets very defensive when i start asking questions about the chassis number thows a hissy fit and gets me off the phone.

I call Bill again a few times then send him a txt saying im not wasting his time, i wanna *CENSORED* see it and if im happy and we can agree a price he will get a deposit and i will collect within a few days.

Few hours later im on t he M6 and think i will give it one last try and call the breakers again to see if he has another number for Bill, he apologies by saying hes trying to run a business and getting 100's of calls from people wasting his time about this mk1, which of course is understandable to apology accepted he agrees to try and get a hold of his mate.

I get home to Scotland a few hours later still no call.

I give the guy one last try and send an email via ebay saying im and enthusiast not a time waster, ive got the cash and can i come down on Sunday to view it.

This morning i finally get a call from Bill, AT LAST.

So i ask the usual whats the story with the car, where did you get it, whats the history to try and put together a plausible picture. Seemingly the shell was stored inside under a sheet in a commercial business for 10 year where by the business was sold and the new owner of the business sold the shell to bill (this is really weird as thats a story ive told many times about my first MK1 GTI, but it was a complete car with 20k on it)

All still looking good, my thoughts then move to the originally of the car, from the pics i new it wasnt a good paint job but ive got a mate with a spray booth (eh K33ts  :wink: ) So i wanted to get some info on the condition of the shell my question is is there any sign or use on the shell? at this point the guy throws a hissy fit, so after his rant i said politely that it was it was new in the listing details at the top he gives me a mouthfull of abuse then hangs up on me with F**K OFF.

Im stunned but annoyed so i call back and give him a bit of the old GBH of the ear hole back, and he starts on a rant about people wasting his time. I tell him i know MK1's inside out im not a time waster but hes not going to pull the wool over my eyes with a rotten shell which has had a quick paint. I get told "i will not being selling the car to you, do not call back" and get hung up on.

In summary the shell is not NEW and most prob rotten from the pics, there is no Vin plate on the slam panel in the pic so my thinking is that VW possibility screwed up and assigned the car 2 chassis numbers when it left the factory. One stamped on the car at the drain tray and another for build purposes in the boot floor sticker, the owner has noticed this and removed the details of the other chassis number, if anyone does go to view it id be interested if the chassis number is visible on the drain tray area.

Another possibility is DVLA mix up, probably the chassis number registered one digit out, might have came into the scrap yard and someone noticed when checking the V5 against the car. Either way its a used shell, mileage unknown which will most likley go onto a Q plate.

IMO unless you want to be dodgy its worth less than a rotten GTI shell.

Please look at reply,  your friend will be happy in VW


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I have now reported your site to its owners.  If you wish to keep sending this slanderous and derogartory remorks please carry on.  Everything you send will be printed out and reported.


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Re: mk1 unregistered golf

Chris_Eyre said

weazel said

I know you all like being kept updated so this is what I have done in response to your unmitigated lies!
Sorry, and you are portraying yourself as some sort of angel in all this?

You've advertised a car as unique to a market who have then sought to exercise reasonanble diligence over it, and somehow have the cheek to turn the tables when their findings are insufficient to warrant the embellishments in your advert. How telling that?

The facts are that this car has been used, and the shell that remains is a stripped shell, freshly repainted, with no clear evidence of how hard a life it has truly had.

And it appears that someone with a Land Rover parts connection is bidding on the advert. Who is that? Is it safe to assume that person is not connected with yourself. If it is, you are committing fraud, and are sabre rattling by pulling the legal card on others in this conversation.

The car has clearly bypassed the DVLA and UK VW dealers. Therefore by default there are 2 simultaneous admin errors in the UK, or it has been delivered in RHD form elsewhere in the world, and has crept back into the UK without being registered properly.

You do actually think that this is going no further.  You are all very wrong.
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