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Diesel Mk1 Golf with '88 Caddy engine power loss.


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Diesel Mk1 Golf with '88 Caddy engine power loss.

Bought a 1.6Diesel Mk1 Golf van there a few months ago.
Previous owners fitted an '88 Caddy Engine.
Had awful trouble with air in the lines and car dropping power and eventually stalling.
So. Changed Fuel Feed line and Return line.
New Filter. Etc.
No joy.
Dropped tank and cleaned it out.
Seemed to clear it for a while.

Hadn't really used the car over the Xmas period.
Filled her with Diesel.
Flying along this evening.
After about 30 miles.
It started the old power drop thing again.
Any one have any ideas what it is.?
Would it be injector pump on the way out.

My 525tds decided to break off the bracket holding the fan belt tensioner today too.

I wouldn't mind. It's not Fri 13th till next week.

Hopefully the BMW will be straightforward enough.
The Golf is a mystery to me though.


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My mate had a power loss problem with his Mk1 Diesel,In the end it was the tappets were tight [shim type] It was fine when it was cold but as the engine warmed up the tappets got tight and just started lifting the valves which caused the lack of power.He ground the original shims to give the correct clearances and the car was fine after that.If your engine has the solid lifter type could be worth checking. :D


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Hi Baller.
Thanks for the reply.
Since the '88 Caddy engine was fitted.
I think these are Hydraulic Tappets.
I'm not sure.
It does stick in my mind that the previous owner  mentioned that the later engine had hydraulic Tappets.
Thanks again.


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Nice mate

what are your plans

Diesel Possessed




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Gonna get it running right.
Fix gear linkage.
Full kit overhaul.
Changing gear is like stirring wooden spoon in a bucket of soup.

I'll tidy The car up and fit a set of modest wheels.
I don't really like the RatLook.
The van is a little too low as well.

At the moment.
I'd like it to run well.

It's purpose is to haul parts around while I finish my SplitScreen camper diesel conversion.


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Still the same.
Took fuel cap off. Left it off.
I was paranoid it was part of the problem.
One of those alloy aftermarket jobs.

Anyway. No joy.
Just to add.
There's a loud whistle from the engine under hard acceleration.
I've never heard this before.
And we've had Diesel 1.6d Golfs on and off for years.

Who bets it's the injector pump ?


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Took off filter. Emptied its fuel into a glass bottle.
Little bits of dirt. Nothing to get excited about.
Then I noticed that the cold start lever at the back of the injector pump was left disconnected.
Disconnected. But in the 'on' position if you get me. As if pulled.
So. I put it to the off position.
And took it for a spin.

Seemed to be better on the journey outwards.
About 7/8 miles. Straight road. No hills.
Top speed of 70mph. Roof Rack I guess is a hindrance.
Used a HUD display app on iPhone.
My speedo is reading about 10 mph too fast.

On return journey.
Drop in power. Not as bad as before,
But if I clutched it and, free wheeled, if you like,
The car would cut out.
No whistle either if I drive it hard this time.

 I'm Getting there.
Problem not solved. But I'm eliminating things.
Might try a litre of petrol in my tank tommorrow.
I've nearly a full tank.
So no harm.

((On a side note.
I did a full gear linkage overhaul. Including bushings at gear stick,
It's a new car. Gear change wise. ))


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If it's been running with the cold start lever on all the time it won't have done the pump any good I don't think! It could've been like that for ages???
Have you got any unusual smoke or overheating when running then? The injectors could be knackered, if not the pump. I'm no expert, mind. Where's Bert when you need him?  :roll:
On a side note, I know you've cleaned the tank out etc…but what condition is the fuel filler neck in?


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What pump is it bosch or cav?
what fuel filter does it have on it? any photos of engine bay?
Video of it running from a cold start?

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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I've been driving this to and from work last few days,
(The tds is still in the sick bay)
The problem is as bad as ever,
Struggles to get past 45mph most of the 15 mile spin to work.
I'll be doing a lot of investigation Mon and Tuesday.

I reckon if i do the following in this order,
(Bear in  ind guys, I'm no mechanic,
and anything I intend to do is based on knowledge
of what i've picked up along the way.
So, DO correct me if I'm wrong, that's why I'm here.))

Wire the Injector Pump direct to the battery, to rule out a bad Relay.

Start her up, crack open each injector and bleed them individually before closing them,
then moving on to the next one.
tighten everything up, Take the car for a spin and see what improvement if any.

If no joy, on to the next task.

Blow out the Fuel feed lines and Return Lines with compressed air.


Maybe source and fit a different Injector Pump.

This is the type of Filter

It's a Bosch Pump

Numbers on Pump.


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the bosch system you have is good,better than cav,loosening the injectors whilst its running wont do a thing exept squirt high pressure diesel everywhere,once running the system will self bleed back to the fuel tank,
On the fuel return from the pump,theres a banjo fitting,theres a filter in that banjo,if it blocks and the tiny return hole cant let diesel out the pump,it will run crap,easiest way to check is take the rubber bleed hose off the banjo that goes to the injector,put it into a milk bottle and forget about it,it will dribble diesel from the injectors,clamp the fuel line from the banjo to the tank return (8mm hose) start it up and fuel should squirt from the small barb on the banjo fitting,if it dont,theres the problem i say  :wink:

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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Sweet Advice Bert.
I'll get on it.


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Did what you advised, Bert,
fuel did squirt from the small barb on the banjo fitting..
After putting back as it was,

Took off the feed line from the tank side of the filter.
Plumbed it direct so to speak, to the injector pump.
Cranked it over and Hey Presto, No Air Bubbles,
Car runs like a dream,
Great power,
Top Speed of 80MPH this evening, on a private test track of course.
The key really is using 4th gear to get up to speed then shove it into 5th gear/E-conomy gear.

It must be one of the banjo fittings on the filter housing as pictured above.

Thanks very much for the replies guys,
I'm delighted with the way it runs now..
Great relief to know its not the pump.
Thanks Again.
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