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HELP!!! This car is ruining my life!


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HELP!!! This car is ruining my life!

I've been pumping the pedal, but quite conservatively (ie to about half throttle) as I'm concerned the number of attempted starts n flooding the engine.  One more try later tonight before work and then if not will have more of a play in daylight tomorrow.


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Push the pedal to the floor and keep it on the floor whilst turning the key.


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Ok mate :)  It's odd as it seems you get one go with the start, and then every start after that doesn't get even close (which is why I thought maybe it keeps flooding)


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This is wvw's wife - I had a listen too and I told him to tell you about the pedal to the floor thing.  Literally, foot to the floor then key in and turn it over for about 10 secs at least without moving your foot at all.  It might flood, but you can always leave it a few minutes if it does then try over.  Also, have you tried rocking it?  Sometimes that can disperse whatever is causing the problem (or so I have found) in older cars.


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check you have power to the 5th injector and the wur


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cant see to well, but is the metering head flap flush with the narrowest part of the cone? it should be like this: (fig 5-3)

also what colour is your TTS? it should be brown, not white!

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Thanks guys and gal!!  Well….1st off…SHE STARTED (giving it foot to the floor action)!!!  And then died straight away when I got excited and released the gas a little.  BUT…it's quite literally a start!

Ben…I'll do that tomorrow :)  

John…it doesn't.  It sits 5-10mm below that level!!!  Broken?  Adjustable?  
TTS is is brown.  All I changed was the slidey onny clip bit at the end of the wire to the TTS.

So effing close I'm buzzing!!  Such a shame that a) it's dark n b) I've got to go to work!


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Ah, so that can be adjusted…but does that not read that it is level when the engine's reached temperature?


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lol don't take your foot of next time  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


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Haha, no.  But then if it takes all that to start there is a problem somewhere surely?


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It can take 3 or 4 attempts


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Gremlins and old golfs hand in hand.


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True.  Especially as she's got new oil, coolant, filters etc to get used to.  She doesn't know what's hit her!


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underneath the flap is a wee spring, this sets the rest height of the metering head plate. give it a tweak till it sits level, its supposed to sit like that no matter what temp engine is at on a basic k-jet :)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Cool, so unbolt the sensor plate?  I'm almost gonna be a qualified mechanic at the end of all this lol.  Perhaps not but learnt an absolute shed load!!

So what will this do?  Just give the right amount of fuel?


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Take the bolt and clean it by all means but leave the plate in place.


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just take the top of the airbox off as if you were doing the filter, the spring is easily accessible then. you'll see what I mean!

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

VAG Documents & Downloads

You'll need to sign into google/gmail for the link to work! (its free!)


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Haha, ok!!!  Thanks peeps :)  May have a car that goes vroom vroom tomorrow :D  N by the looks of it a whole host of problems I wasn't aware of fixed too!!


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Come on geejah let us know……………is today the day??!! :cheer:  :cheer:

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