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my 1.6i engine is a pig when cold but  when warm it over dropped air intake to get the revs low at tick over ok then runs ok till it comes to letting it stand to go cold then i struggle to get it i turn the air intake back up to original position and the cycle starts all over again..hope this makes sence,,,,help,,advice will be greatly received,,,,,cheers


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Sounds like a faulty aux air valve.



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thanks paul for reply…is this easy fix,can part be brought cheap and where from   ta


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Well first…check its faulty. It should be open when the engine is cold, and once the engine has warmed up, it should close. Pinch the rubber tube to restrict the airflow, when its cold - the revs should drop (aux air valve is open, so pinching restricts flow and drops the revs). Let the engine warm up and pinch it again - the revs should remain the same. It could be stuck in the open or closed position, and the idle screw adjusted to compensate.

Its fairly easy to change it, although access to the bolts is difficult due to its location. They tend to be very expensive new, for example:


So secondhand is a better option. I think I might have one somewhere, I'll have a look and get back to you if you want?



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thanks paul that would be great...thanks for info and quick response


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