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Shaved bays


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Re: engine bay

Shaved bays

sparkstu said

Hey, good luck with the engine bay. Don't listen to any stupid comments from idiots ( I.E transparent bonnets etc ) They are all that is bad with forums. When you post up the pics of the finished job, it'll all be worth it  :D

Don't listen to stupid comments? And then you go and call someone an idiot for having an opinion that you don't share.  :D  

Good luck with YOUR project lukeybabes.  Some will love it and some will hate it, just make sure you post up some pics. I would love to see a few more of the wheels if possible and specs?  :D


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So I'm an idiot am I?

So, you smooth the engine bay, and….the bonnet remains firmly closed while driving, or parked, so you can't see anything of it!

Therefore the only reasons are so you can look at it yourself (lovely!), or go to shows, park up and open the bonnet for all to see. Wow. Never been done before, wonderful!!!

I personally judge cars when they're moving. If you want to judge them in a field, static, fair game to you, but I'll stick with my 'idiotic' approach of judging cars based on their function, ie going from A-B, or A-with a nice diversion-B, or on a racetrack, or something like that.

If you think forums that support cosmetic mods and generally pat people on the back for being scene sheep are a good thing, and that anyone who stands back and questions whether in fact its a good idea or is simply vanity is bad, then I dare say you're probably right.

At the end of the day, the original poster has the internet to search and his own money in his back pocket to spend, or his own time/effort to put towards his car however he likes. Spend wisely!



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I never fully shaved my bay, (16v conversion on k jet) kept it pretty standard, fresh paint, some shiny bits, powdercoating, tidy all the wires, lenghten shorten to tidy, (did'nt hide them), put them in braided sleeving stuff. Re routed a few breathers, vac pipes to tidy up. Diesal clutch cable as it's shorter and can be routed round the rear of the engine. Also used a 1300 carb'd trottle cable as its nice and short, tho have to bend the pedal a little to get it to fit. And also a mk2 gti speedo cable routed thro the rain tray and down to the gearbox. (I left my scuttle panel in).

Mines been done for a bit more practical reasons, ie I want to rag the pants off it and when i goes wrong not have to pull half the bay apart.

But even getting it this tidy was a lot of work, so I fully appricate the effort put into show bays, even tho I would never really go that far. :wink:

Again its up to you, and how much time and effort you want to spend on it.

One thing I do think is that some people will start to regret cutting out their scuttle panels if it was due to "fashion". I also reckon they add some strenght to the shell.



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I agree with your last comment, getting the balance between aesthetically looking nice and fashion is a fine line, as the fashion theme will age very quickly, almost like colours do.


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lukeybabes said

And my wheels

i like your wheels :) good luck with the car :D

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