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German Road Trip


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German Road Trip

Cheers Hugh, I'll look into that one also, it'll be good to  put a name to a face also.


Cheers, Dave.



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Just found his business card - Richard Webb is the bloke I met. Hope it helps...

Cheers Hugh. - vw golf parts and genuine accessories!



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Ginner said

BigNormRivage said

Ma and the misses would have been well up for this but we are getting married next september so unfortunatly couldnt make it :-(

No dates have confirmed yet Ceri, lets make it your stag do. Lol

Even better it could be your honeymoon!  :lol:


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Shughy said

Just found his business card - Richard Webb is the bloke I met. Hope it helps…

i have spoken to the travel company that organises tours with car clubs, they are willing to take this on with us, as for security to the members this will need to be a committe based activity and for law purposes with regards to monies the travel company will bond the money side of things because its against the law to take money from people for this kind of trip, so those who are worried that they will lose money if this should fall flat they wont.

So i am still looking for interest in this there have been enough guys looking at the thread, to get this off the ground things need to move by way of members wanting to go.

on a side issue the mention with the travel Co. doing Wolfsburg and the Nurburgring is a bit adventurous as a 1st trip due to the distance between the 2 destinations, so i propose that this is just Wolfsburg Factory, thoughts………….


Cheers, Dave.



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Wolfsburg factory sounds good to me…

Any possible dates? Is there a minimum amount of cars needed?

I wouldnt be able to do any dates in september…

Cheers Hugh. - vw golf parts and genuine accessories!



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No dates as yet, but looking at Aug possilby late, min amount of cars no there isn't but i'd like as many as poss for this the first one.

Cheers, Dave.



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I'd be interested in this.  :D


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I'll give it a couple of days then I will start to collate a list of potential attendees

Cheers, Dave.



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me too, all depends on when it is and if the wifey don't mind  :redfaced:


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i'd love to go to wolfsburg! just to see where my car came from and look around the museum.
not too keen about the Nurburgring as i imagine smashing the golf into a barrier and killing myself  trying to get round it in under 10 mins!
but it also depends when it is and what shows i'll be missing.


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I will try and work it away from shows that way more interest us shown.

As for the ring, first trip of that distance to incorporate both is a bit much.

Cheers, Dave.



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I'd be up for this.

Looks like we'll have something to fill up our time between the AGM and the NEC!!!!


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Matt, when you've a quiet moment you wouldn't look into the following for us please…………..

A t-shirt with (road trip design tbc)
Sticker with the same as above
Car plaque again same as above

Price for say 40.

Cheers, Dave.

Cheers, Dave.



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dave all over it mate

leave it with me :)



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jellybelly said

dave all over it mate

leave it with me :)

Nice one Matt.

Cheers, Dave.



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South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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Ok, ive had some prices back from haydn and tbh they arent bad, ferry travel is coming out at £34 and hotel/bnb at around £30-£35 per night as this is planned to be a 4 day event we are looking at £105 for the above, fuel needs to be accounted for and meals because they arent inc in the hotel price, i will need to look at the prices for the Factory tour and museum.

All in all the costs aren't too bad, but what i will need is confirmed numbers to secure the ferry and hotel prices, further planning is taking place on this but the most important has been sourced so far, so as said numbers confirmed please i will give this till December to close.


Cheers, Dave.



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Fair play for sorting this Dave, will be brill if it goes ahead. Is that price for both trips on ferry or is it 34 each way?

Also anyone know whether petrol in Germany is as expensive as it is here ??


South West Regional Host

1991 Clipper, 1978 S1 GLS, 1983 Type25, 1989 Clipper GTI

Zero, zilch, nought, zero, nothing….



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i'm confirmed then dave :)



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"arf333" said

Also anyone know whether petrol in Germany is as expensive as it is here ??

There are too many online users to list.