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Harewood House Leeds 13-14TH August 2011


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Harewood House Leeds 13-14TH August 2011

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D cant wait now, hopefully put my baby back together by then


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tickets paid 4 thx


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nice one MOOREY  :)

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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really looking forward to this.the golf is coming together too.

"Mildred"1983 Candy White GTI,Low and Slow


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stuie said

really looking forward to this.the golf is coming together too.

i think i am looking forward to this weekend more 8)

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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thats because your come to  yorkshire


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markoggy said

stuie said

really looking forward to this.the golf is coming together too.

i think i am looking forward to this weekend more 8)

the AGM carling  :lol:

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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markoggy said

stuie said

really looking forward to this.the golf is coming together too.

i think i am looking forward to this weekend more 8)

What you got planned?

"Mildred"1983 Candy White GTI,Low and Slow


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tickets arrived for this event :D :D :D :D :D
any times on a meet and convoy yet guys?


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just abut to order tickets for this event i just looked at the website looks amazing..... im in the midlands any convoys passing through???????


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markoggy said

right every one. i have recieved some bumf off the organisers as well as 15 stand tickets  :D  :D  :D  :D

That's great. We have out tickets now, so everything should be good for the weekend. Have an issue with the mk1's 'box but that won't cause any real problems, made it to santapod for BugJam 25 at the weekend with out any major issues.

Projekt Frustration :

 White 1991 Clipper. Lowered over polished zender rims, Single 40 dellorto on lynx manifold, kent cam, full stainless 'zorst / manifold, powerflex bushed and braced. Not the fastest car, but sounds super nice!

Still going after 12 years… never said it was a quick fix! Time is not my friend.


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bobreoc said

just abut to order tickets for this event i just looked at the website looks amazing….. im in the midlands any convoys passing through???????

There will be a convoy from Lancs  , but depending on your midlands location you'd probably go up the M1..

As for the Lancs  convoy I suggest we really wanna get there on the saturday as soon as it opens 12:30 so we can set up tents and chill an markoggy can bbq again  :wink:

what do people think about 11:30 at birch services??  

Although it might be a nicer drive through skipton?  but that route is no good for the manc lads i guess



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stuie said

markoggy said

stuie said

really looking forward to this.the golf is coming together too.

i think i am looking forward to this weekend more 8)

What you got planned?

sorry for not responding

i was flat out getting the golf ready for the AGM.

did you go?

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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right every one, i have recieved this email from the organiser so get a riggle on and get you tickets  :D

VW Festival 2011
Deadline for Pre-Booking Tickets Imminent

Remember if you want to camp over on the Saturday night and enjoy the evening entertainment, you MUST pre-book your ticket.  Due to the nature of the venue, tickets for Camping / Saturday night entertainment MUST be prebooked, and THESE tickets will NOT be available to purchase on the gate.

We operate this system to avoid any disappointment on the day, and to avoid having to turn people away.  It is very difficult to estimate how many people turn up to these events, and this year has seen an increase in attendance on all other VW Shows, and ours seems to be no exception based on our current level of pre-booked tickets and traders.

Please note, we may have to consider closing the prebooking of weekend tickets sooner than in previous years if we reach capacity ahead of the closing date. Please visit the website for all registration forms

Tickets in the post!

For those of you that have already ordered your tickets, the first batch of tickets ordered and paid for up to 12th July have already been sent and should have been received by now.  The second batch ordered and paid for up to 20th July have been printed and will be in the post this week.

Why pre-book?

Dont forget, if you are just planning on coming on the Sunday only, if you pre-book your "Sunday only" ticket, not only do you NOT have to queue at the pay gate, but you will also have the chance to win the 1970 Beetle that we are giving away in aid of charity (Details further down)…..and of course, don't forget a free VW Festival 2011 window sticker!!!!

Children under the age of 16 accompanying a pre-booked ticket holder will also get in free which will save you at least £5 per child on the day.
Another added bonus, is that prebooked tickets not only grant access to the show, and the beautiful grounds & bird garden of Harewood House, but as a special concession, pre-booked ticket holders will be able to gain access to the House itself!

Win, win, win, win situation…….

VW Festival 2011 Timetable

We are keeping the same format as last year by having the main event on the Sunday but with camping on the Saturday night together with Live Music from "Reloaded" and "Druids Brew", Kids Disco, Funfair, Catering and Bar…..this all starts at 6pm on the Saturday night for the visitors who are camping onsite.

Sunday is the full show day. To see what the show is all about visit the VW Festival website (

Saturday 13th August 2011 (Tickets MUST be prebooked)

12pm - Camping fields open - Pick your camping plot and wander the grounds of Harewood House, or just sit, eat, drink and be merry in the campsite.
6pm - 12am Children's Disco followed by themed Disco, and live music from "Reloaded" and "Druids Brew", Games and Face Painting at the Marquee, Funfair and Catering (Selected Traders will also be open for business)
Sunday 14th August 2011

Trade Stands, Show'n'Shine, Graffiti Display, Beer Tent, Catering, Club Displays, Club Stands, and Live Music. You will be able to access your club stand prior to main gates opening on the Sunday morning . All times will soon be available on our website.

Military Fancy Dress Theme

The theme this year is "MILITARY", so for those of you camping over and coming to the marquee for the live entertainment on the evening its time to head down to the army stores for your berets and camo gear :-) obviously nothing dangerous please!!

1970 VW Beetle Charity Raffle for "Pre-Booked" ticket holders!!

As you may have seen on the website, this year we are giving all eligible pre-booked ticket holders the chance to win a 1970 VW Beetle.  The Beetle will be presented to the lucky winner following the show and shine presentation on Sunday 14th August.

We are donating 50p for every pre-booked ticket purchased for VW Festival 2011 to our two chosen charities.  These charities are very close to the heart of members of the VW Festival organising team!

Yorkshire Cancer Centre at St James's Hospital in Leeds
Clinical Nurse Specialist Palliative Care Team at Castle Hill Hospital in Hull
The Beetle will be:

Taxed (although tax exempt) and MOT'd
Lowered front and rear
Fitted with brand new vredestein skinny front tyres
(under discussion) Professionally graffiti'd, vinyl'd or custom pinstriped
…a few other bits and bobs
So how do you win this car?

All you have to do is pre-book your Sunday or Weekend tickets on our website…that's it!!!!  The winner will be able to take the car home from the show there and then (subject to insurance / collection etc), or if they prefer they can arrange to collect it from Hull within 7 days.  If the selected winner does not want the Beetle (really??) then we have decided to offer a £500 cash alternative and the car will then be sold and 50% of the sale proceeds will also be donated to our chosen charities.

Terms and conditions apply.  Copy available on request.
Dont forget, we have created a new FACEBOOK PAGE, please visit and "like" we will be posting constant updates in the run up to the 2011 event.  You may also want to follow us on Twitter.

Facebook - Click to join the VW Festival Facebook Page

Twitter - Follow us on Twitter

Thanks and see you there!!!

The VW Festival Team


You might also be interested in these…

Website Design - All of these websites have been created by us, Eye Web Solutions

VW Festival is the trading name for Eye 4 Events Ltd and is part of the EYE Group of companies

© 2011 Eye 4 Events Limited. All rights reserved.

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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bircg services @11.30am, is that early enough to get to there for gates open??
i was thinking 11am to be sure


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Mischief said

bircg services @11.30am, is that early enough to get to there for gates open??
i was thinking 11am to be sure

are you irish? " to be sure, to be sure " LOL

Mk1 golf GTI cabriolet 1.8. Helios blue. born 02/08/1990.


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sticky keys on the keyboard  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :redfaced:  :redfaced:  :redfaced:


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yeah watever mate..  I just put birch to harewood in google to figure out the time and it said 58mins..  11 is fine with me,i think,(better ask the mrs  :redfaced: )


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11.15 then to even it out I'll be there.

If it isnt broke fix it until it is.
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