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The red light on the temp gauge is flashing all the time and its doing my head in why is doing this can anyone help? :dontknow:


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try put some more water in it . it did it for me


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This problem has been written about so many times,it could be anything from senders,relay,wiring or in my case its the dash clocks a problem  i'm living with,yes i've replaced the  clocks only resulting in curing one problem but creating two more.


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was the relay for me :D


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ok cheers i will try the senders and relay and see if that s any good


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Unplug the sensor and put a wire across the pins in the plug if it's a sensor fault the light should go out, hope this helps


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I've got an expansion tank sensor if you want to try that? Where abouts are you in CF? I used to live on Church Street, I had a white tintop, then got my red cabby. I'll keep an eye out for you, I pass through CF everyday on the way to/from work.


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if all else fails pull the relay 42 or 43. that will disable the level sensing circuit, its clipped above the fusebox. if not fitted then it doesnt have level sense warning

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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if you just unplug the level sensor at the plug on the expansion tank it will read as full anyway ..


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no it wont

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

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when i asked the question that was what i was told and i have unplugged this lead on several cars to test it out and not one of them did the red light start flashing  :dontknow:


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well they were talkin roobarb ;)
unplug the sensor and its like your tank is empty, the pins need to be closed circuit to switch off the light. the way it works is the probes on the level sensor make a circuit when submerged in water see :)

one common problem is the tips get all dirty, sometimes taking out the sensor to cleaning them up till shiny will solve the problem. other issue is a duff sender can allow water to seep up the level sensor wires and corrode the wire/relay pins, plus water damage from leaky fusebox onto the level relay.

as i say, for an easy life you can just yank out the control relay and that'll disable the level sensing. the dash will still work as will the overheat warning light (same light as level warning)

Hello my name is John and I'm a dub addict.

My wiring diagrams and other documents have moved here:

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