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My MK1 Cab was Stolen last night :(


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My MK1 Cab was Stolen last night :(

SCOFF beat me to it..


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sorry to heard about the currant event, but on a better note at least the car is in one piece and has been found, and not broken up and sold like my last one, i hope everything turns out in your favour, keep the faith


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Sorry to hear about your car mate.

Thank god its found tho.

Hope its still good when you get it back.


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Ive never owned a rag top , my mk1 cab is the first, but now im so worried about it going walkies, I even have a wheel clamp fitted .


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richard, dont know you but sorry hear about your proves nothing is safe nowadays...


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Alarm, immobiliser, steering wheel lock and locking wheel nuts.. Its the only way.. Never leave anything of value in the car and never park it in out of the way places.. Thats all you can do.. Its disgusting that you should have to go to such lengths and expense just to keep something which is rightfully yours.. But you do and thats life..  :x


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sorry to hear it mate. i moved from the north east to scottish highlands 20 years ago because of this kind of thing, bit extreme maybe but i hardly everneed lock my car (or house) now.. our cars were getting twoc'ed all the time, so i know how you feel :(

i suppose the gash in the roof was their means of entrance?

i blame the parents, they dump their kids at school and expect the teachers to do all the work for them..lazy arses :evil:

good luck with the claim.

Mk1 '92 cab ABF  Jenveys & Emerald
2004 Mk1 Fabia VRS
2002 Audi A4 Avant 1.9tdi


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gutted for you mate!


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SCOFF said

Tian said

Schools are there to educate. Parents are there to bring you up correctly. You can't have schools teaching morals you should be taught at home, that's crazy.

Anyway, I hope you get your car back quickly.


Being taught right from wrong is educating… Being taught these morals in schools at a young age should instill the correct way to behave in society and therefore ensure ALL children are on the same page.  Yes, ideally parents SHOULD teach their kids these things BUT as we all know in so many cases this just doesn't happen.  We were taught manners in my day,  why not today?  What's so crazy   :dontknow: ???

walt said

Tian said

Schools are there to educate. Parents are there to bring you up correctly. You can't have schools teaching morals you should be taught at home, that's crazy.

Anyway, I hope you get your car back quickly.


I agree in principle Tian.. However, I think over a generation or two, the morals have been lost and these people who now have no morals cannot be expected by the rest of us to instill the difference between right and wrong into their children.. Its not gonna happen and I honestly believe that schools should be involved and take social standards very seriously indeed.. I dare say they do to a degree.. But discipline has gone sooooo lenient that the kids run a mock.. Teachers have no power and as such the kids have no respect and I believe that this in itself teaches the kids that they can do exactly as they wish, which results in juveniles with no laws or bounderies to hold them back from doing such crimes like taking someones car.. Would it be fair to say that both have equal responsibility and should work together to ensure the moral standards in children are good and reinforced?.. Because maybe this deferred responsibility is part of the problem, parents thinking that kids go to school to be taught and the teachers having no powers to discipline children and therefore having to leave it up to the parents., who in turn do very little.. One thing is for sure, I bet every single one of us on here with good standards could say why they are that way and have the standards they have.. If you were to take a child and put it through the exact same up bringing you had, would they be the type of person to steal a car?.. Rhetorical question.. Of course they wouldn't.. It needs sorting out on every level, its a social disease..

I'll shut up then.

I hope you get your car sorted out mate.



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SCOFF said

walt said

Unlucky… Tragic that I should have to say unlucky, like its normal and ok, just one of those things that someone should choose to steal your car.. Its not ok.. It isn't just one of those things.. Its typical of todays society.. Opportunistic scumbags everywhere.. I hate it.. I never leave my car anywhere other than in my garage, because i know that as soon as I leave it anywhere, someone will either scratch it or try to take it away from me out of jealousy.. We don't need speed camera's we need more police.. Stiffer sentences for real criminals and a strong message to the influential children coming through the schools of what is right and wrong… The values of society are wayyyyyy off what they should be and things are tolerated now that never would have even been thought of 30 years ago.. Its disgusting and needs sorting out..

I totally agree,  schools need to focus more on teaching kids from a young age on how they should act in society, a lot of parents can't be bothered or in a lot of cases their kids can't do no wrong in their eyes.   I remember as a kid probably 7yrs old being told how important it is to put your litter in the bin and taking part in a litter campaign…  Now I could NEVER drop litter, I just can't do it!!! lol   I have kids that go to the same school as I did and I know they don't get taught these morals.  These seemingly trivial teachings are being left out of schools, that's why kids have no respect or fear of being told off by adults and some end up going around stealing peoples pride and joy.  :banghead:

Sorry to hear about your car mate.

I agree with walt and SCOFF no matter what other people say. When I was at school they taught you all you needed to know including morals. How can parents be expected to teach that when children are influenced by what others do, say, pier pressure, films, older people. Children spend more hours at school. Unless you hand cuff your self to them till there 21 or out of full time education!  :roll:  My school made us join in with litter picking, doing gardening at the old peoples home, doing out door events to help others.

Anyway, Im sorry your car got pinched. At the very least they have found yours. Some never get theres back. Hope it works out for you.



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Hope it doesnt happen again :tlc:


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What happened with the insurance then?

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