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The diesel daily!


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The diesel daily!

Diesel-dubber said

Sorry, forgot about that! The part number I have is AKD49704R10. Hopefully that's the right one. It's referred to as 'sealing cord' and is black pre-formed strips of putty stuff. I know a few people who swear by it for stopping leaks around lights especially.
Trouble is, VW might now only do it in boxes of 10 metres at £40 a pop. If that's the case, it might be worth five or so of us clubbing together (myself included) to buy a couple of metres each at £8 ish.
I think they use the same stuff and use the same part number at Seat dealers. Maybe it's a bit cheaper from there?

Bit of a delay on the relply on this one! i'd be up for it if we could get others interested.. might have to phone tps and see what the crack is.


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Hopfully good Luck should sine through your way

Diesel Possessed




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allana13 said

Hopfully good Luck should sine through your way

Things are definately looking a whole lot rosier now.  :D


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happy for you buddy :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

I might be coming Bristol way soon, If i do would like to come and say a hello depending if you are around.


Diesel Possessed




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allana13 said

happy for you buddy :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

I might be coming Bristol way soon, If i do would like to come and say a hello depending if you are around.


Yeah that's cool mate no probs, just drop me a message! … garage found my last annoying rattle today which turned out to be a missing pad securing plate on my caliper. Loving driving so much right now that I'm out and about every evening whether I need to go out or not!  :mrgreen:


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Hello again things have been generally good of late but just a couple of preventative measures more than "oh god the car is broke again" fixes. First of all was the clutch cable which was starting to creak and with hindsight with what happened on the GTI with the cable sawing it's way through the bulkhead and letting me give the hazards "a run out" I thought I'd put in the patch plate and change the cable. Well I was suprised with what I found not only was the cable not too bad but the bulkhead was in cracking shape and so I did not bother with the repair plate and caried on with fitting the cable

Only real damage on the cable was fittings which was the bulkhead grommet beginning to fail and the general deadness of the fitting at the clutch arm end (no rubbers washer or top hat bush and a dying vibration damping rubber.

So with nice new fittings I set about replacing the cable

I went for the diesel one but now i've fitted should have went for the carb one as it routes in better with the rest of the cables but it will do for now

FInally got around to giving it a "proper clean" it isn't true what they say about not being able to polish a ****, because I have. It really needs a respray but this will have to suffice for now. So I got out my cleaning stuff and gave it a going over. first a wash and then clayed it. If you have never done this before the results are really quite amazing, it leaves the paint feeling so smooth it's untrue and I use the bilt and hamber stuff which is a about a tenner and doesn't require detailer to use just water here is the old clay next to the new stuff

It's amazing how much tree sap and general dirt stays on the pain and doesn't come off with normal washing. Next up was a polish with autoglym super resin polish and finally an application of colinite 476 wax whihc again is the best wax for the money (about 15 quid) here are a couple of before and afters bear in mind I did this by hand.

Would have been alot better with a proper orbital machine but i'm happier knowing that the paint (which is remaining!) is at least protected and looking a little better.
Quite alot of boring updates as to general day to day driving it stops, starts and finally doesn't leak oil anymore! Managed to get a window channel lifter from a local scrappy so now have a passenger side OPENING window! fitted an aftermarket cigarette lighter so I now have somewhere to charge my phone and plug in my fm transmitter so I can have mp3's over my old stereo  :cheer: and replaced all of my doorcard liners with nice new heavy duty plastic so they should last for another 28 years.


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:cheer:  well done bert
and well done diesel for keep going  :wink:

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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Puts me to shame  :banghead:

Diesel Possessed




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allana13 said

Puts me to shame  :banghead:

get me a pump and well be laughing  :lol:

Thats not a rod knockin,its a diesel stupid! floppy top and 1 tin top


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Replaced the link on the fuseboard and replaced with 99 relay and I now have intermittant time user set delay wipers!

old link.

New relay in place on the board.

It's almost like a modern car now!


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just picked up one. I love it. same colour but american seats.
Going to get engine looked because of the fear i now have instilled in me from this thread.

needs new shocks that's for sure. Dampers are gone.



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That looks good

Where did you pick it up from

Diesel Possessed




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was owned by a window cleaner and was used to clean windows for how ever many years.

All in all , in better condition than my first  car a gl 5 door which was silver and rusty.

Love the fact i got back from Nottingham to London on a tenner.

Go D!



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Cool post some more pics

where was it advertised BTW

Diesel Possessed




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Nice one mate

Start a new thread


Diesel Possessed




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Will do  :redfaced:



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Wow great little car Love it!:)


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Cheers ratride.. is yours a diesel too benny? how you getting on with it?

Just a little update. did a few bits of sprucing up pre-agm namely a nice accoustic stealth shelf so I purchase some inch thick mdf which luckily I got as a fiver offcut from my local b&q and set about to work with a borrowed jigsaw. I cut the ovals and screwed in the free 6x9's which somebody had brought into work as they were selling the car and didn't want it to look to boyed up! there loss is my gain!
So I se the speaker under the shelf and put them in for a trial run on the bell wire ehich was runnig my paper 6x4 speakers which have just about given up and it sounded okay  :D A little bass heavy but I guess that is what you are gonna get with what is essentially a bass box but is infintaly better than the paper beasts that were there.

Discretion was the name of the game as I didn't want somebody recognising what is now becoming quite a noticeable car what with the shiney paint … and the the loud bag of spanners sound of a diesel coming up the road and wanting to relieve me of said speakers so I was thinking of ways to mesh over the speaker holes so that if the cloth sags it won't show the distinctive 6x9 shaped dips. So somebody in work had recently made a rabbit run in their back garden and had some leftover mesh so in for a penny and all that I cut myself off a couple of pieces and staple gunned it over the holes and with a bit of high temp spray adhesive and some accoustic carpet I have an impressive (for me anyway) homemade stealth shelf, I would in future use a finer mesh as you can see if close enough the outline of the wire, but it will do for now.

And as you can see in the last pic I have hesitantly put in my £40 bargain GX seats i say hesitantly as I have still not cured my leaking problem which I think is the boot wiring grommets as I have siliconed them and it has reduced the ingress but i still have some coming in the drivers footwell somewhere and is why i'm still carpet free :dontknow:  but they do look and feel fantastic.

And so onto the uttoxeter drive. This was my first long trip out since it's drive down from wrexham. I had absolutely no doubt that it was gonna make it although without exception absolutely no one friends or family felt the same  :lol: and that's about it. a faultless drive there and back no dramas or issues and so have this week enjoyed telling all the doubters that the blue b**tard is finally turning into the reliable daily drive that I had set out to buy. It's been a long and often testing time with much mickey taking by everyone, But I was never going to give up as I knew I had the basis of a sound little car an it's now on side!  :dance:


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looking clean inside,
doing well, want to give the engine a clean and see where oil leaks from. Its a bit oily, but i also imagine its been like that for 25 years.
just need some time to dedicate on it. Apart from that drives well been to cambridge and back full.
I will start a thread but when i get some time.


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