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Hi All,

Iv been a member of this Forum for some time now and im only now starting to get started and set up properly to show the work ive been doing to my Cabby GTI.

I bought the car back in February of 2010 as a bit of fun and something to fill in my spare time, i started by giving the car a good clean down once the weather became good enough, and then started to get to know some stuff about the car.

one of its previous owners was Robert Pattinson, a old Geordie Comedian!! :D i didnt believe the guy i bought it off but he handed over documents showing that he had owned the car before him.

My main goal was to generally tidy the car up make sure that it was going to be reliable enough to drive around and eventually get it down to Edition 38 !, i managed in my spare time to replace the water pump and fuel pumps as well as rewire the indicators and hazard switch (which was a nightmare!) i then got her serviced and MOT'd, got a small mortgage out for the insurance and away i went!

I got all the way down to edition and back without a hickup from the car! i was very impressed, she was a great car to drive! and suprisingly good on the juice on the motorway there and back.

Anyway, i kept on looking at the MK1 projects and i looked at the Engine Detailing thread and it really inspired me to try my handy work at the same thing.

I will try and update this as much as possible although i have hundreds of pictures to upload of the work carried out so far. below are just some when i first got the car back to my house.

I hope you enjoy the work i have done so far and if anyone has any comment or tips and things to look out for m, im all ears!

If the photos dont work first time i apologise in advance.


A Few Photos of the bad bits

Even though it was freezing i still had to take the hood down :D

hi All,

Just a few pics of the body work being carried out on the car, some pics before of the bad bits,
to be honest the car wasnt in too bad condition but i wanted it mint! and a few photos
 of how it is now! the work is being carried out by MP Auto Spray in Hebburn Tyne And Wear.

Any comments would be appreciated.


Cars getting there slowly, any comments please would greatly appreciated!!


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Nice little project you've got going on there, and what seems to be a solid motor!

Looking forward to seeing your engine bay if you decide to do some detailing, but I warn you, it's a slippery slope :D

One of the bigger pieces of advice i can give (which you will more likely know already) is try and stop that scuttle panel rust under the windscreen rubber. the golfs are famous for it, and left untreated you'll have to replace the entire panel, rather than just a patch job.

What's the mileage like on it, can't imagine it's huge being on a 'G' and a cabby?

1983 Golf 1.3 Driver:  


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Hi Mate,

Yeah ive been doing it for a while now, just started to put some pics up! ive got loads to show of what ive done so far, the engines out and on the stand frechly painted in gloss black, the heds going silver as well as the gearbox, all the other bits should hopefully match in quite well :D

ive seen on big boys toys the replacement panels for the bottom surround of the front windscreen, do you know if its worth it or just take the windscreen out to see if its not too bad??

The mileage when i took the engine out was just over 120k but she ran like a dream :D a few people asked why i was rebuilding the whole engine and head but why not! i got the car for pennies so i wanted to spend some decent money on it!

Cheers bud


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small update .. i started to replace the water pump and fuel pumps,I then moved onto re-wiring the headlamps, indicators/ hazards as silly old me pulled all plugs off the back when taking the dashboard out and they werent marked up fully… took a while but well worth it! plus i learned some new stuff..then i bought a gear Linkage repair kit which made a good old difference i must say, took me a while to do but again it was well worth the effort .

check out the photo updates, more to be uploaded soon :D enjoy!

Then i tackled the water pump…

New thermo stat kit.


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Once the Gear Linkage kit turned up i got straight on it !

Just a few photos of old and new items,


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I then bought some upholstery cleaner,  gave the seats both front and back a good old scrub! they came up better than i had thought, when the seats were out i made the most of the situation and gave the rather suprisingly thick interior carpets a good clean and hoover out ! both turned out much better tha i thought. :D

Once again theres loads more pics to come…


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I know this thread is picture happy but ive got loads to upload,

Once all of the previous jobs were done, i got the car insured Taxed and MOT'd and took it down to Edition 38, the car drive fantastically and i had no problems what so ever! i was very happy.
 once back from the show i took the car off the road and mulled over the idea of rebuilding the engine and possibly respraying the car, i got to know a few lads at a local garage to me and they decided that i could use a ramp for the day to take the engine out and give me as much help and advice as i could possibly need! .

The engine took around 2-2.5 hours to take out and rest on a few tyres whilst i stripped it down ready to go on the engine stand i had bought.

As mentioned in my earlier posts,  after seeing the engine detailing thread it really inspired me to rebuild the engine and paint it up once it was all ready to go back together.

I didnt want to take on the task of rebuilding the whole engine my self so i dropped it off with a fantastic company called engine Services in Dunston Gateshead. they took around about a week to rebuild and acid dip the enigne, i got the head skimmed, new tappets, new cam shells and bearings, the chambers re-honed, new piston rings, bottom end bearing and crankshaft shells, a new oil pump, gasket set and a sump.

I got the engine back end decided to strip all of the olf rust and dirt off it and give it a lick of paint, the same goes for the head, although i havnt got onto that yet. Take a look at the photos and if anyone has any feedback please just post at the bottom of my thread thanks :D


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Apologies for the quality of the photos,  they were taken on my phone as i had forgotten my Digital SLR. The day was a bit crazy, of all days to choose i wanted to do it on my birthday !! :) couldnt really think of anything better to do if im honest.

Heres the photos of taking the engine out, stripping it down and sending it away to Engine Services.

Once the engine was fully stripped of the gearbos and all other items, i put it on the engine stand i had bought, took the head, and sump off and popped it in the back of the car to send away for the rebuild, its cheating i know but i didnt fancy knacking an engine up , id rather leave it in the capable hands of the profesionals.


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nicely written up matty, although im sure youve missed out a few bits of your hard work, new exhaust, dash vents, repairing seat, single headlamp grill, g60 steels  :P keep up the good work, and the race is on between us to get the engines back in


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Cheers Brad, Yeah the photos i had of the Dash Vents are no good, and the only photo i have of the new grill is the one from edition ! i went crazy last night uploading loads of photos and got to a point where i couldnt be bothered any more  :P il be posting the photos up soon of the block being cleaned down and painted too. Ive spoken to my mate who's a sprayer and hes doing my pulleys, some brackets and other bits and bobs for me pretty cheap so if you want anything doing let me know, il sort the engine stand out for you too once ive found my sump bolts :D


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Since the last post i have cleaned the block down and de greased, then painted in gloss black, a few coats and the block lookds very nice… still got the head to do! Theres a few pictures of the engine once it came back rebuilt and the head. I have also started stripping the gearbox down to go silver! Due to the cold conditions and dark nights! all work has been carried out on weekends so its been slow progress …

After a few days of cleaning etc….

Then Painted

For some reason this forum wont let me post too many pics at one time so il be creating a few new topics etc.. any feedback and comments are appreciated Thanks


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I then started to sand down the pulleys and bracking mechanism, tempted to get them sprayed professionally im just too sure yet. im thinking Matt or Gloss black?? I then moved onto the Gearbox with some very handy nitromors.. It came out very good i just need to keep at it! and then im tempted to use some Ali Acid, has anyone ever useed it before?? and if so where did you get it from? i seem to be struggling to find it..

And finally a picture of how shes looking now :( aahh i miss driving her! …

then after a good scrub and clean down


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Hopefully the new images are showing as i have a few issues uploading :(


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hi All,

Just a few pics of the body work being carried out on the car, some pics before of the bad bits,
to be honest the car wasnt in too bad condition but i wanted it mint! and a few photos
 of how it is now! the work is being carried out by MP Auto Spray in Hebburn Tyne And Wear.

Any comments would be appreciated.


Cars getting there slowly, any comments please would greatly appreciated!!


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wow some work done there, that engine gonna look great when finished





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cheers mate, shes all resprayed now ! looking forward to getting her back and startin to rebuild :) thanks for the comment !


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where bouts in the north east are you mate? I'm sure i recognise that car….


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just over newcastle bud, not far from town! you go to any of the DNE meets?


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Nice work there. I like many on here have striped and cleaned the engine block and gearbox so can relate to the amount of work involved- its a mission and those that have done it can really appreaciate the effort. Well done.

Current MK1 rebuild elapsed time - 15 years and counting…
Is it normal to clean and paint bits of your car that will never be seen?
Not-so-new addition - 1996 MK1 Citi Golf (off the road for 4 years… and counting)


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Hi mate, Nice job. Can see your not scared to get your hands dirty. Just a quick question. What are the wheels on your Cabby and are they 14 inche? They look like the same a mine. If so, this only the 2nd set i have seen! They should be gery on the inside and diamond cut on the face.

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