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AGM 2011


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AGM 2011

funk-star said

Have a fun catagory like, least likly to win best at show? lol

lol shed of the year.

*FYI i apologize inadvertently for referring to the mk1 as a shed.*

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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I don't think that's fair either to be honest… mine would win each year with it's wing mirror held on with tape… So many holes in it that it looks like Leerdammer cheese…. .. it being 70% rust, 10% filler, 10% tape and 10% metal…….  :roll:


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lol and the winner goes to....wok..i mean...Elf...i mean....SPUUUD!!!

Weber,ATS,Apex,Ripspeed,Supersprint,K&N MOMO..tbc


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brucieboy said

lol and the winner goes to….wok..i mean…Elf…i mean….SPUUUD!!!

Too right mate… I'd have so many wooden spoons I could tie them together and make a wee canoe


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I'll make the trophies 1st,2nd and 3rd for each and meet and talk bout how its gonna work out.ok how bout that ?


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felix said

I'll make the trophies 1st,2nd and 3rd for each and meet and talk bout how its gonna work out.ok how bout that ?

I can see some upset people who think that their cars are decent, only to be given a wooden spoon!

Again, we did consider the 'How did that get here' award this year but decided against it in case we upset owners.

Felix, you do this on your own head - it may be a great success or it could go horribly wrong but if you're insistant on doing it then ultimately its up to you.  :dontknow:


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why do you think am gonna give a wooden spoon ? I can do miles better that ! :banghead:

You haven't even given me a chance yet ….just wait m8 …I WILL do a very good job and you'll like it am sure of it  …you'll see  :D  and I'll show you them 1st trust me .


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It was an example taken from the conversation above.

I'm sure that you'll do a very good job. Its the catagories that you'll be fitting the cars into that'll be the hard bit.

Good effort in suggesting it though.  :lol:


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so felix, as the maker and judge of this new award you relise you wont be allowed to win? and only cars willing to enter will be able to be judged, which could be none. You cant just wander round and put 1st place on a car for best pile of crap!!! im pretty sure you would pee people off.

Face the fact that most show cars are paid for not bult. and the ones that are built take a lot of time.

for example lhasadreams, i was part of the judging this year and it was decided that while it wasnt the most bling engine it was a tidy lump with a lot of work going in to it. a worth winner.

Ever growing range of new mk1 golf parts


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I have found a list of the categories for the show and shine, can someone tell me how the entrants are judged? are there scorecards or is it down to judges opinions?


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tobyio said

I have found a list of the categories for the show and shine, can someone tell me how the entrants are judged? are there scorecards or is it down to judges opinions?
There are two judges working together they look at ALL the cars wanting to be judged this year it was a mammoth task with 150 being judged in different categories,
there was a score card used but it was taking ages to judge each car using this system so the judges would look at the cars and take each one against the best they had seen before it, if it was better than that one then that was the bench mark it could have been the 1st car they had seen or it could have easily been the last but each car is judged off the best they had seen before it till a clear winner is found, if two or three cars are of a similar standard then the judges will then be looking very closely at each of these 3 to determine which one of them is the winner.

remember the judges are always members who know there stuff and to be fair we have never had complaints about winners and losers in the past, so they must be doing a good job :D

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Yomp drew up a scorecard with various points awarded according to spec etc but it quickly became apparent that to complete a form for each car would have taken hours - it took about 3.5 hours to do all but the modified cars between Yomp and myself this year (Billing 2008 took Ant5 and I even longer in the burning sun!).

What we ended up doing was having a stroll round, finding a 'tidy' example as a bench mark and using that car as a guide to go by.
As I said earlier - and I only refer to the standard cars as I judged those, they really do need to be in standard condition if you've a hope in winning a trophy. As soon a Rivage wheels are put on an '84 cabby then its not standard. Change of interior from cloth to leather will make it non standard, as will lowered springs, crystal lights (Fluffy dice may just scrape through as an 80's accessory!!). Radios aren't looked on (by me) as an essential 'standard' part was we all need something to listen to while driving but a big ICE installation would detract from the overall presentation of a standard car.

I'll let funk-star/Ant5/ dubboy comment on the modified cars as they judged them.

People think that its easy to undertake a judging position but to try and do it properly and to keep it as even (ie no mates' car's), it takes some doing. As funk-star said its NOT as case of strolling round and sticking a rosette on the car with the nicest wheels but with tatty bodywork. It has to reflect the catagory thats its entered in and be the BEST in that catagory.


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hey ! Who said any fing bout me judging? :dontknow:  And of course i won't enter ….its not bout me …its more bout the end of most shows ,but I'll tell you of that when I see you guys ….I've loads of ideas on what the trophies will look like ,some real good ones :D  .I'll start making a few soon and oh bout my car ….I've a few tricks up ma sleave  just need a bit 'elp getting it sorted but not to worry  the shows next year…so lots of time ….It'll be good .


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My only concerns are the judging what do you take into consideration and where is any bench mark?

Also it will have the effect of de-valuing the current winners as it will be easy to get on the winners podium, but the judging is my main worry and who will wat to do it?

It will be like going onto tesco carpark and finding the best ford focus and trying hard not to give it to the nice RS parked in the corner!!

How about this for an idea COTM winners all park together and are then judged like we do the peoples choice, this way we will know all about the car, the owner and anyone can enter i dont think any of the show and shine winners have ever be COTM anyone can enter.

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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Dano said

Yomp drew up a scorecard with various points awarded according to spec etc but it quickly became apparent that to complete a form for each car would have taken hours - it took about 3.5 hours to do all but the modified cars between Yomp and myself this year (Billing 2008 took Ant5 and I even longer in the burning sun!).

What we ended up doing was having a stroll round, finding a 'tidy' example as a bench mark and using that car as a guide to go by.
As I said earlier - and I only refer to the standard cars as I judged those, they really do need to be in standard condition if you've a hope in winning a trophy. As soon a Rivage wheels are put on an '84 cabby then its not standard. Change of interior from cloth to leather will make it non standard, as will lowered springs, crystal lights (Fluffy dice may just scrape through as an 80's accessory!!). Radios aren't looked on (by me) as an essential 'standard' part was we all need something to listen to while driving but a big ICE installation would detract from the overall presentation of a standard car.

I'll let funk-star/Ant5/ dubboy comment on the modified cars as they judged them.

People think that its easy to undertake a judging position but to try and do it properly and to keep it as even (ie no mates' car's), it takes some doing. As funk-star said its NOT as case of strolling round and sticking a rosette on the car with the nicest wheels but with tatty bodywork. It has to reflect the catagory thats its entered in and be the BEST in that catagory.

Sounds like a huge task, the judges obviously do an amazing job as it is  :clap: we need to make sure what ever happens it doesn't get any harder for them. As A5OPY said 150 cars being judged at the moment is a huge amount already.


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Hi , just wondering , 09 you did orange, 10 you did green ….so whats it to be next year ? yellow ? and some finer details on trophies  a few ideas please pm me  :)


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Maybey a 'Best Build Thread' so doesnt matter what the car looks like…more judged on the commitment and general passing of knowledge so others might be able to use it…you know built not bought? Also there's a car of the month…so why not put em to peoples choice for say…'car of the year'? Erm bikini babes or wet t-shirt would also gets a thumbs up!!

Mk1'83 G60
Mk1'82 2.0L 8v
Mk1'93 GTI


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Dano said

Again, we did consider the 'How did that get here' award this year but decided against it in case we upset owners.

I think that award could be good in some cases - this year my car would have been a good example, I had only just rescued her and only just got to the AGM but was still proud that my car was as it was, if that makes sence?


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Felix mate - give us a break pal.

As soon as the AGHM finished, it was onto the NEC arrangements, then it Ultimate Dubs in November (yes the stand thread has already started and we need to be in a position to flop photos on the organisers if we want the first inside stand for the club this year).

So asking about colours for next year, dates for the weekend and the shower block arrangement etc at this point is a little premature. I'm not having a go but we've not got round to that quite yet!

(Top tip…..  blue 'maybe' the colour but don't ask me what shade or hold me to it!!!!  :wink: ) :shhh:


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I think the judging at this show was very fair and would like to congratulate the judges on a fine job. I have been to quite a number of shows this year one with only about 15 cars in my section, I knew 4 others in the section and none of us got judged. There was one car parked on its own by the judges caravan and that was the car that won :banghead: . Really like the peoples choice even if half a car won. One of the best shows ive been to all year thanks

as hot hatches go the older the better
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