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leaky roof


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leaky roof

hi i have a clipper which seems to drip water through the top of the windows front sides at the top driving with waders aint the answer has anyone got any ideas to this problem fanx

nick male mk1 golf clipper cabrio f160 nut


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Common problem,
There are 6 foam gasket seals which fail and you get wind noise, dust, water  dripping in from the handle area that latches the roof.
Replace these (some folks have said that cured their problem). If the water is still coming in than there are more possibilities.
I will start with the cheapest.
Make sure the windows actually gently press up against the roof seals when fully wound up, forming a seal. You may need to adjust the window/door slightly.

There are bolts behind the door cards to adjust the up and down movement and 2 more under the door bottom that adjust the fore and aft.

Make sure the door when closed, the glass contacts the B pillar seal along it's length.
Have a look at the window channel seal, this is what the window slides up and down in, make sure that it is pulled up properly so you cannot see the edge of the glass.

I would suggest the roof has gone porous, especially if vinyl as the plastics break down they have minute holes in them that allow the water to seep through. The water collects in the frame channel and runs towards the latching handles ending with a nice drip.
I had the same probs with mine. It only stopped when I replaced the roof.
How old is the roof?

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 


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roof is in good order exsept in the middle o the window we get drips coming in  i bought the car lastyear andthe roof looks 5- 10 years old couuld it be the rubber seal and where can i get replacements thank you 4 tour help i will look at your suggestions

nick male mk1 golf clipper cabrio f160 nut


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could you put up some pics of the area you get the leaks?
You should also have a 2 inch strip of sillicone under the first seal around the first screw hole.
If the hood is that old then it may need changing.
Any splits or tears are not gonna help.
Unless the seal is split they should be okay, there is a gap sometimes between the front seal and the middle seal, where they meet, so you have 2 options, re adjust the seals by sliding them closer together or use some foam gasket tape to make up the short fall.

"Making Cabbies More Beautiful One Roof at a Time" 
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