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bonnet bra????????


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bonnet bra????????

bonnet bra yes or no??????

iv been thinking of getting 1 but still not sure wether i like them or not what do u lot think?????

if you aint scrubbing......... you aint dubbing


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welcome to the site mate :)

richyhill has a bonnet bra, it looks really good :)
he only puts it on for shows tho as it can damage paint work…

p.s. its probably not a good idea to flash your post code on your location…. i know where a really nice golf is in the suffolk area is now :P

just advice mate :)

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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I would go for one mate.

 Once my car goes to the bodyshop sometime next year ill be investing in one.

 The only time you get problems is when the person fitted it they didn't take time to clean and polish the bonet.

I had one on my mk4 for 2 years without a problem, all I used to do was quickly take it off in the morning and clean the bonnet (5 mins max) and it will be fine to use daily.



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thats not the problem.
the problem is
a: dirty water runs underneath it bringing road dust (fine sand) with it. that gets left there, the bra moves about (which it does) and rubs a line across the bonnet.
b: the water gathers beneath the bonnet, any imperfections in the paint begin to bubble, you get rust. NOTE this can happen in days never mind months
c: as you paint weathers the bit underneath the bra doesn't. 2 different paint colours ensue.

the mk1 doesn't really benefit from a bra anyway. the front lip of the bonnet is the only bit likely to be impacted by a stone anyway unless it flys up and over then theres as much chance of it hitting anywhere else on the bonnet.

was your mk4 silver by any chance?


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No my mk4 was black.

The dirt and water doesn't really get a chance to do anything if its taken off daily and cleaned.

That's just goin from my experience.



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id like to see some pictures of mk1 tintops with bras on tbh the ones with the triangular bars on though. only ever seen cabbys with em on n im thinking of getting one.

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bras are for girls

ok, so the pics not the best but we gave this to our mate with his passat as a laugh. another friend was going to respray his car but leave the front of the bonnet untouched so he could wear his stone chips like a man with love hate tattooed on his knuckles. :twisted:


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cheers mixer man iv change it now lol
and thanx all u lot but still not sure might get 1 n put it on on when i feel like it :D once agen cheers :D

ryan stratton

P.S loving the pik of the actule bra on the bonnet made me laught :D

if you aint scrubbing......... you aint dubbing


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Another feature-above 30mph they flutter and make a hell of a racket as the upper edge of the bra beats against your bonnet- sounds just like a machine gun.



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Heres pics of mine.

Mine start to flutter around 65 mph and yes you need to take them off now and again to check for debris, rain is a pain but take it off and hang it up when you get home :)

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