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ouch :'( :'( :'( poor golf...


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ouch :'( :'( :'( poor golf...

did you have an agree value??



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Did the police say they'd be taking action against either driver? I think its a bit early to say, or not enough info to say, who's at fault here.



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Very true, just saying what I was told when a similar thing happened to me.

MK1 GTi Cab '91' H Black
Mars Red Campaign - work in progress
MK1 GTi Sportline '92' J Red


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:oops: if you need anything let us know…



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did you get any more pics m8


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mixer you have a txt mate, know a really good non fault company i have used in the past, friend of mine, hopefully he might be able to persue for you and get a good payout from other parties insurance.

Although if you have got a 5k agreed value you want to persue that route, especially if you go along the ground of mk1 golf with low mileage that was 50% through a restoration and complete respray !

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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thanks for all the comments guys.

no one is being prosecuted by the police, although he was a gobby shite and i was passive, he even threatened to hit me in front of the copper… no provoked an all that… no one has claimed fault so im letting the insurance deal with it for now.. i will use that bloke tho rich mate :)

naa the value wasn't agreed :(
i think ill get it all out of his insurance..

i dont think i was a fault as, like the copper said, he was in the middle of MY side of the road, sideways, reversing to the other side of the road, round a semi blind corner, with no one on the corner giving a warning AND he wasnt looking, as he would of saw me coming and stopped to let me past…

im not gonna be stupid and claim for whiplash or anything, i just want my golf back :( or another one lol..

if i get a bit of money for it i think ill be breaking it and buying a cabby :) JUST NOT A WHITE ONE!!!

nearly every mk1 golf in bristol is bloody white!


booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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oh and ill get more pics up later, i just brought it home and got pissed yesterday pretty much :P

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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If he was blocking your carridgeway, especially sidewards your going to be fine mate!!!! I would put a good amount of money on it that he's fully at fault even if his defence is that you were speeding!

Good luck with the insurance value of your car, they have a tendancy of giving you as minimal as possible if it's not an agreed value, but like someone else mentioned all companies are different!

Is an absolute gutter, but the flip side of that coin is that you can get excited about buying a new one  :wink:  every cloud and that!

MK1 GTi Cab '91' H Black
Mars Red Campaign - work in progress
MK1 GTi Sportline '92' J Red


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yeah too right :P and ill break and sell the other one, someone already wants the roof… hehe

in the mean time i think richyhill is sorting me a daily driver and ill be on to his faults team in the next couple of days too… hes a fucking legend!

i would nominate him for member of the month if i was aloud :P

gotta feelin ill be coming out of this a little better off than before i started… not gonna hold too much hope tho :P

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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seriously man Go for the throat. my ex got £1400 for a sore knee and a bit of a sore neck from the insurance.  Make sure you go to the doctors as it's important that if something could be wrong you get it looked at.

That way you def will come out of it better lol



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lol cheers dude, i need to make a couple of calls regarding non fault thing and give you more info on the daily shortly

:-) Rich

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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thanks peeps :)

haha im not gonna go too mad with claiming. i just want what its worth.. i didnt leave my house sat morning expecting to find a volvo in the middle of the road and now im golfless..

BUT when insurance pay out, ill have money for a golf AND a cheap runner from richyhill SOOOOO i think i should be better off :P

so basically… i feel a project coming on :P

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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any other cheap runners going spare,

it winds me up when me start talking about claiming for whiplash or bruised ankle,

mixer and it hurts to say this as we get on, and hate pointing out things like this as it tends to anoy peeps, sounds like it will be 50/50 yes he should off clearly had some more brain cells doing what he was doing, but on the other hand highway code does stat you should always procede with due care and attention, i.e in the rain a bend

but fingers crossed for ya


years ago i was in a very nasty crash that nearly took mine and girlfreind and best m8's life when we got out the hospital the last thing on our mind was to start cliaming for compo, we had that by keeping our lifes intake

makes me really annoyed when people get compo when really theres naff all wrong with them, but cos that system is there it gets abuised and everyones insurance goes up


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good luck with the claim mate, hope it all goes your way, as others have said, if you dont need to claim for injury's dont do it, all it does is put insurance up for the rest of us (and i pay more than enough already) but fingers crossed for ya

by the way, Whats wrong with a white cabby?   :lol:  :lol:

chris n helen  :D




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since_1983 i know what your saying bud, and although Jamie's (mixerman) not been driving long it would be good for him to have some knowledge of other peoples experiences on here.

It sounds like this guy was reversing in a bloomin stupid place, with no warning triangle round corner etc but insurance companies are insurance companies and they will both try to battle each other.

Thats why i was suggesting putting jamies onto some friends at an accident management place that have done some work for me before, they are relentless unitll others back down or you get an offer you are happy with :-)

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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aircooled1968 said

by the way, Whats wrong with a white cabby?   :lol:  :lol:

chris n helen  :D

i swear theres thousands of them! like honestly… did they add an extra '0' in the production line for whites on accident! dont get me wrong there lush… but there loads of em! :P

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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yeah Mixer you got beef! you wana start with the white mk1 cabby owners lol

you've just fallen out with caravan owners you dont wana fall out with white cabby owners as well :-)

SOUTHWEST Regional Host. Bristol Meet - 1st Friday of the month - Toby Carvery Bradely Stoke Bristol Bristol Region Facebook Group


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haha sod the caravans! i sh*t em :P
i didn't say they were bad… theres just alot of them. white cabbys i mean… caravans are bad!

i know i know, i own a caravan ut still! mines only a place to sleep in between surfing. lol…

booze and boredom, the greatest mix :)


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Ahh bugger mate.  Thats bad times!  Let me know if theres anything I can do.

Funny thing is, I reckon my Mk1 needs to go soon.  Shame it's white, I'd have given you first dibs!

Hope you get things sorted.  Hats off to Rich for hooking you up with a run around!
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