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tattoo idea


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tattoo idea

me n the mrs have decided that were gunna get new tattoos to celebrate the birth of our son. this is what ive come up with so far.

mrs bigdave is goin for something frilly but i quite like delicate yet chunky!

what you think?

The text on its own:


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Whats the xx's etc about?


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looks like a swear word that's been censored out. don't do it. and definatly not there.

how about getting like one of those hospital tag things (you know the babies and mums have them on there wrists) have one tatooed on your wrist.
just a thought mind. must be loads more original ideas out there.


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i'm looking at ambigrams at the moment, they are the most awsome things.


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Open a Savings account for him and the money you would have spent on new tattoos could be put in it . Add to the account every time you get the urge.


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welsh-mk1 said

Whats the xx's etc about?

Looks like roman numerals to me.

20/09/2008 id say  :wink:

one more thing to add,
you have roman numerals on one hand then surely Author should be in Latin or of a similar font of that time preiod.

e.g authentic latin

I dont mean to sound rude as it may be what you like but the two styles you have chosen to join contradict in so many ways. and personally i think it would be a mistake to do that.

Just my opinion as you will have it for the rest of your life.


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MrJohnBridge said

welsh-mk1 said

Whats the xx's etc about?

Looks like roman numerals to me.

20/09/2008 id say  :wink:

nails and heads!!  :D

tags on the wrist wont work because ive got tattoos on one wrist already and plans for the other.  :wink:

Its still in its early stages so will probably be completely diff when it gets done! Im still quite keen on a king arthur & the knights of the round table theme.


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chudd said

Open a Savings account for him and the money you would have spent on new tattoos could be put in it . Add to the account every time you get the urge.
Good idea I can recommend a good bank In Iceland  :wink:

Dont ask what your club can do for you, but what can you do for your club?


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just a thought,what if you have more kid's? :dontknow: your body do as you will with it???????


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jaycab said

just a thought,what if you have more kid's? :dontknow: your body do as you will with it???????

maybe you could have a list of thing to do before you die tattooed on your back or leg or somewhere at number 1 you could have yuor sons name then leave the rest blank until you definatly wont have any more kids.

still making random suggestions…..


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what about a cd marker pen,thy wood last a few hand washer,so you wood give the impression of a tatt,that you could re-write say weekly,so if more kids,let it wash away and that way you woodnt give bigdave baby 2 a complex that wood last a life time :roll:


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staying with the king arthur thing:


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like to see that on your wrist.


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bigdave must be BIG hands :lol:


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I think the ideas you have are good and valid.

I dont see why people are commenting like they are as its what you want, they are probs joking but is must not be nice for you to see it.

I just think you need to go with a design that is aswell thought out as much as the reason behind it.

Your king arthur idea is good,but damn would it hurt and i presume you would have that on your back or top of an arm.
A simplified version of the round table could be good..but then how many kids would you like to have. there is alot to think about.


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We would like two but in truth think we are stopping at one. to be honest we were originally given a a less than 1% chance of ever having a child so i think weve done quite well.   :wink:

As for the pain im sure no new one will hurt like my chest did! it felt like a red hot jack hammer going thru me!!

Ive just had one of those 3am ideas!! what about having arthur so it looks like a GTI badge? silver/grey lettering, thick black border!?  :D  Ill knock it up when i wake up properly!

(oh i love night feeds!!)


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obviously would need some time spending on shading the letters to get em lookin 3d but what you think?


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ideas in a public forum,are always open to a bit of Micky take,my comments where only that!!,if i offend then i eat humble pie,iam pleased that you have a healthy son that you are so very proud of,with me not having all the info,about your life and health issues,it should be taken as a light hearted banter and not to be confused with any detrimental inplcactions, that it has invoked,again its your body do as you will with it,and dont listen to strangers drunken ramblings. :oops:  :oops:  :oops:
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