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Q's: The best place to buy a MkI OR Where did you get yours?


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Q's: The best place to buy a MkI OR Where did you get yours?

I found my black tintop non sunroof in a carpark whilst visiting a friend on an industrial site, it was looking sorry for itself, full of mould and puddles, it had non original interior etc, the guy who owned it was glad to get rid as it had been sat there 3 years+, i've since spent a fortune bringing it back from the dead and back to original spec!! nearly sold it last year on flea bay, but kept getting idiots offering £1200 for it so i decided to keep it. although i may be selling if the right offers are made?, i should be at a couple of shows like the nw all types in the next few months. so any interest let me know, cheers

MK1 Golf Cabby - C439 CHM Now sold replaced with a motorbike due to being unable to park cars at work!!!!!!
MK2 Golf VR6 Project car


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Cheers Lads, SamMc I know what you mean when you say the seller is as important as the car itself. Flew to the Scottish Highlands from Dublin to buy a car & when the fella realised I had flown and would have to drive (buy) his car in order to get the ferry back home, he upped the (previously agreed) price by roughly a grand. Had to sit in the airport for 8/9 hours and wait for the return flight.

BigDub, would lve that mate, to colelct one or two Mk1's and spare and repair them…… bleedin garage though and I think my Ms would jam one of them up my keister if I started collecting cars.

Johno, thanks for the mail mate, would defo be interested in having a look at yours if your about. I see your over the water therein teh Wirral, sure that's no distance from me, one of me best mates is a Birkenhead Boy living in Ireland the last 10 years. Could spin over to his and stay if your looking at selling in the near future. If you have any pics could you PM them on ? If you want obviously and if you are interested in selling, you can let me know what work has been done etc and what your lookign for price wise etc.

Cheers Boyos,


P.S. Just a big "Thanks" to evryone that has read and reviewed my posts, been really great and has made it much easier to decide on getting meself a new/old set of steely wheels………..


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Rule out 2.

1 looks great, but with the unoriginal engine, it'll be tough to diagnose problems.  Would be nice, but not ideal i think.

3…now that's what we want…low miles, well looked after, standard.  £3.5k?  keep looking, but this is the new standard.

Good luck.

'83 Black GTI Cab on BBS RAs - DreamBoat 3000'

Resto =


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No3 is very nice. If it really is 100% rust free and mechanically sound with 12 months MOT it prob worth £3k with the spares hes offering. You could easily spend that much restoring a cheaper one by the time you have repaired/painted body, sourced a good interior, refurbed wheels, etc etc

1983 Mars Red 1.8 Golf GTI
1987 Alpine White 1.8 Clipper Cabriolet

The trouble with doing nothing is that you never know when you are finished.


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