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Replacing / refitting OEM sunroof


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Replacing / refitting OEM sunroof

Ive had a run of bad luck with my sunroof of late. Having searched this forum and reading through loads and loads of aold threads I can see I am not the only one.
First off it started to leak - the seals were gone
Then i found the drain holes rusted away
Then this long metal coiled wire appeared out side of the roof around the seal and the roof jammed!

Ive now damaged the entire original sunroof getting it out and am left with alot of bits that are pretty useless.

From reading other threads I can see that I could replace the "tray" that contains the drain holes to remedy that but surely finding a rust free one is damn near impossible??

This just leaves the mechanism itself, i have read that mk2 ones will fit so that makes life easier but as i took it out in a rather unauthordox manor I have no idea how to re fit one! Is there a thread I missed or is there a sticky on here on fitting OEM sun roofs.

please help as I now have a permanent hole in my roof and while thats fine on a day like today I know it is the exception not the rule!!



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Where are you based mate?
How bad are the drain holes in the sunroof tray?

keep on keeping on


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You have Pm  :wink:


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Thanks for the Pm's Eck & Timski - massive help

looks like quite a job! Dont suppose anyone knows any friendly body shops that have fitted these on their cars?? I am based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. I will have a go but I can see there being a lot swearing!



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Hi mate, I'm in the same boat, my drain holes were all blocked. I bought a mk2 sunroof on e bay wiv a decent seal for 60  I'm waiting for somebody to weld up some plates and fix drainage on the sunroof and Monday ill have a go at removing the old one. I'll let you know how I get on.



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good luck mate!



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I too would be very much interested in this as my sunroof is currently sealed with gaffer tape as the sunroof drain channels have 2" diameter holes in them and now have no headlining left either as it was sodden/rotten.  :evil:


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I repaired the area around my drains about 3 months ago. I removed the rust by sand blasting and then used fiberglass, pushing the fibre material up from the inside of the car, behind the headlining (loosened it at the top of the door openings). Then pasted the resin from the outside, through the openings where the rust had been. This leaves the 'gutters' nice and smooth. To finish coated it all with wax.

This repair has not stood the test of time yet. but it was done carefully… its not as bodged as it sounds.

the seal round the sunroof is still available from vw part number 321 877 209 A there were 6 left when i got mine. use some vaseline to fit it though (if you go down that route) because it's quite hard to push on.

Good luck
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