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Anyone fancy driving the Nurburgring?


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Anyone fancy driving the Nurburgring?

Ive had an enquiry back from quoting £299 per person and car plus £199 per passenger to arrange accomodation, travel, tours, etc ex ring tickets quoting on 20 people for a long weekend?


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dartboards said

Ive had an enquiry back from quoting £299 per person and car plus £199 per passenger to arrange accomodation, travel, tours, etc ex ring tickets quoting on 20 people for a long weekend?

Surely that seems abit steep because your only paying for i assume camping/hotel and ferry tickets for tht money. Ur talking petrol, spending money and like u said ring tickets on top of tht?


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That is expensive,those sort of people who orgainse those trips try to prey on people who have never been before and have no idea what they are doing or where to go.And the people who take them up think they are getting a bargain.Ive done the trip a few times,if u can get to Dover,ive got the boat to Dunkirk many times,this past year it cost £42 on the boat FOR 2X RETURN.Hotel for 3 nights,it was a nice hotel too by the way,we go back there each year,inc a great as much as u can eat breakfast in the morning,30eu ea per night.So thats roughly £280  for what they want £500 for,if theres 20 parties too! Some people get the wrong idea,it doesnt cost that much to go there and a hotel,its the money u also spend there,Ring laps are expensive,and u go through fuel driving round the Ring at 100mph everywhere like nobodies business.Once youve added a couple of Tshirts to the bill and a couple of meals/nights out,it soon adds up!


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I'm not having a go at what you spent time on researching matt because I really hope something can get sorted was just my thoughts that it seemed a little steep :)


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From another site I am a mod on, they tend to favour getting a chalet in the nearby centre parcs which wourks out fairly reasonable.

Now I am propsing a trip entailing a lunchtime arrival at the Ring on Friday, and leaving again either Sunday late afternoon, or make a whole weekend of it and travel back Monday.

The accommodation as in prior trips will be the nearby Centre Parcs. I have priced up an 8 person villa for an "arrive Friday, leave Monday" and it comes to 547 Euros, which is basically 68 euros per person for 3 nights away, based on self catering. This cost is a "weekend" one and is not affected by leaving sunday or monday.

At the moment I wish to restrict this to EIGHT people (not eight cars). If there is enough interest, the space can be increased to SIXTEEN people, at two cabins for the same price. :) (based on 2 people sharing)

To factor in ALL possible costs you are basically looking at the following:

Accommodation: ?60 ish
Petrol: From Dunkerque, 500 mile round trip + laps/social driving
Ferry: Just priced up ?31 for anti-social crossings (2am leave Dover, leave DK 6pm on way back) Say ?40 at most
Food: ?50 per person, allowing for eating out most nights (if not all ;))
Drink: Well - There's a nearby Lidl I know well ;) Cheap cheap cheap :D
22 euros each
75 euros for 4
145 euros for 8
250 euros for 15 (my favourite :D)
390 euros for 25
1075 euros for unlimited jahreskarte


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NorthLoop forum specialises on the Nurburgring with members over there all year around so some good info on there though you will need to join the forum (simple) to be able to read the forum.


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Any more info on this?  Who's heading over there and what dates?


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Wouldn`t get your hopes up mate,i put a post up about 3yrs ago about the same thing,a few mths in advance,loads of people were up for it! Put up a few more sooner towards the date to remind everyone ,with dates,times etc,then everyone went quiet.We went anyway though and had a great time!


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It can be difficult to try and organise something like this - if someone definitely wants to do it why not just pick some dates and do it anyway?  It's one of those things that everyone talks about doing - and like I said before, it can be as cheap or expensive as you like.  

We'd definitely be up for meeting up with anyone who does it.   :)


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im up for it, providing i get the oilburner running. i was planning to go in the summer june ish , but it would be well better to go as a group :)
cost wise if its camping then why not make own food - supernoodles all the way  8)


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i would be well up for it especially is i'm in the process of fitting a new engine and transmission but realisticaly that and moving house means that at the beginning of summer i'll be brasic shame though it does sound like it would be a really awesome trip and if anyone wants to do it next year or even later in the year i may be up for it then.


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Rusty Hookers Dub Club


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Heres one of my laps from last year to give u an idea what its like for anyone who hasnt been! Came accross a couple of accidents on the lap which is commonplace.

A lap of the Nurburgring Nordschleife on 29th June 2008 - YouTube

Watch out for the guy in the yellow Lotus on the last bend!
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