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Tyre stretching


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Tyre stretching

hi,can anyone tell me how safe tyre stretching is and how, by the power of greyskull does it work? it looks the business thats for sure,but i have no clue on how it's done……can anyone help out with a few pointers ( loosely translated as ," a step by step set of instructions  :lol:  )


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it is relatively safe, depending on how big a stretch you run.

all it is is fitting a narrower tyre than designed for the rim. the main reason is it will give you arch clearance on a lowered car with wider wheels that otherwise would catch the arches.

when i have done it in the past they have never been massive stretches so was simple enough to do by pulling and pushing the tyre till it would create enough of a seal for the air to pop it into place.

you tube it and you can see other techniques


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sounds fairly simple…as everything else with cars,but as always lands up being everything but….

thanks though
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