Fuel Tank cleaning *HowTo* clear that blockage
(In Topic #98784)
Local Hero

Fuel Tank cleaning *HowTo* clear that blockage
Disconnect the battery and NO smoking or naked lights . Work safely .
First i drained as much fuel as possible using the siphon method and removed the fuel pump . This is the end thats connected to the tank

Blocked solid . In the end is a little filter

This is what came out of the filter

Problem fixed ? Not quite it means the tank must be full of rust and other crap that has found its way in over the years . I didn't fancy taking it off so decided to clean it using another method .
Whip out the back seat and find the fuel sender unit cover

remove 3 screws under it is the sender unit

Gently remove the wiring plug then simply remove by twisting the unit until it unlocks from the tank , ease it out taking care not to damage the ball and arm . It should look like this .

Get a torch and peer inside , you will see

Its a filter , long pair of snipe nose pliers pull it gently and it comes out

Torch again , look in the filter holder and you will see the fuel pick up pipe at the bottom . This should be nice and clean that brown stuff you can see is that rust and other nasty particles that will cause the same problem again .

Drain the rest of the fuel using siphon method

Now for extraction [and i do appreciate i am lucky to own a compressor and various tools for it , but its this or remove and possibly replace the fuel tank] I simply decided to suck out the rubbish using a safe method using air . A HOOVER WOULD OF COURSE EXPLODE AND KILL YOU . By extending a grit blast gun pick up using some old hose .

I was able to place the gun in a large bucket and simply suck the rubbish out of the tank using the pick up pipe like a powerful Hoover . Some fuel vapors and fuel remaining in the tank also followed and where safely disposed of . The results are very good for an hours work


This is some of the rubbish left in the bucket

Power is restored now that the fuel flows freely . Assembly is the reverse of disassembly don't forget the 'O' ring on the sender unit .
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